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Break into spotless-lib (reusable for other projects) and spotless-gradle

nedtwigg opened this issue · comments

Spotless now has quite a few utilities for mass string manipulation which are useful outside of a gradle plugin:

  • ensuring idempotency, and working around it when there are bugs
  • writing functions in an easy-to-serialize way

If we break the core functionality into spotless-lib, that would allow spotless-maven, etc. It would also speed up the spotless test suite by relying less on the excellent but slow gradle testkit. Going to explore this in the spotless-lib branch.

I actually thought about this a few weeks ago, but I was unsure about the usefulness of it, so I never raised it.

I look forward to any results you find from your investigation!

I think it's an improvement. I'm gonna merge 3.x into spotless-lib and start splitting it up further. I'll need a "write-lock" while I do so :) Should be done by morning PST.

These are the proposed new maven coordinates for 3.0:

  • com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-lib
  • com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-gradle-plugin
  • com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin

The current maven coordinate is

  • com.diffplug.gradle.spotless:spotless

It's tempting to not move it at all, but since spotless 3.0 is likely to already require some small changes from existing users, we might as well optimize for lack-of-confusion for future users.

My biggest design conflict is what the dependency policy for spotless-lib should be. It would be fairly easy to brings the core deps down to zero - we need just a few parts of jgit which we could easily copy, and just a few parts of durian/guava which are replaceable. But that's where all the third-party steps will end up, so parsing logic is going to end up there... One possible solution is to have lib and lib-extra, with the only differentiator being that lib has no deps, and lib-extra is loosey-goosey about deps... For the sake of moving implementation along let's pretend lib is loosey-goosey about deps, but I might split it up later this week...


  • Migrate tests for lib's generic stuff out of plugin-gradle and into lib
  • LicenseHeaderStep
  • FreshMark
  • EclipseFormatter
  • ImportSorter

There's a real need to burn-down some of the docs for all this too...

  • com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-lib now has zero runtime dependencies
  • com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-lib-extra has lots of dependencies, and more complex pieces like .gitattributes parsing and EclipseFormatter parsing.

Regarding the latter TODOs in #56 (comment), I wonder if you could you clarify what they're about for me.

For example, are they about migrating non-test classes (like LicenseHeaderStep) away from plugin-gradle to lib? Or are they about fixing them up for incremental builds?

They're about moving all FormatterStep from plugin-gradle to lib, so that the they can be reused in other plugins. Hope you feel better soon :)

LicenseHeaderStep is migrated as of commits 9250cf8...3ba3aeb. Its test has yet to be migrated though (as it depends on ResourceHarness in plugin-gradle).

ImportSorterStep and ImportSorterImpl have also been migrated as of 3a92121.

@nedtwigg, I wonder if I may have your thoughts on how we could migrate the tests that depend on ResourceHarness in plugin-gradle to lib.

The best idea I have so far which I'd be able to implement myself, is to simply copy-and-paste the needed parts of ResourceHarness into each test that depends on it, and then migrate the tests into lib afterwards. However I don't like the idea of the potential code duplication this may cause.

Would it be possible to make e.g. a Gradle module in which we could chuck in all of our test utils, and have the other modules depend on it? I ask as I'm not really familiar with how multi-module Gradle builds work.

Yeah, I struggled with this a little over the weekend. There's a couple issues:

  1. A lot of FormatterStep in lib and lib-extra, like GoogleJavaFormatStep and EclipseFormatterStep, require an implementation of Provisioner, and we need gradle to implement that. Which means that we really need at least some of gradle's test infrastructure in order to run the lib and lib-extra tests. But not a ton of it, and just using GradleProvisioner is a lot faster than a full blown testkit gradleRunner() test.
  2. A lot of the test infrastructure we need is based on Formatter and FormatterStep. In order for the plugins to share any test infrastructure, we need some kind of testlib which can depend on lib, and then itself become a test dependency for the other plugins.

Here's my gut:

  • create a new subproject, spotless-testlib (same naming convention used by Guava)
    • It will depend on spotless-lib, and for now also testkit, just to provide a no-hassle Provisioner implementation.
    • Its src/ directory will have ResourceHarness and other infrastructure
    • Its test/ will have all the tests for lib and lib-extra
    • gradle-plugin and other plugins will have a test-only dependency on spotless-testlib

I've got some progress on this, lemme know when would be a good time for me to upload without causing conflicts for you.

Oh fantastic! I see that there was a lot to consider here, so many thanks for looking into it so much already.

I'm ready whenever you're ready to upload your current progress.

Roger, I'll try to put it up in a few hours.

Does 15 hours count as a few? Sorry for delay, had a lot on my plate today. Probably won't be able to write code for this for the rest of the week, but I think we've now got the final structure. I'll start migrating artifacts into jcenter to get ready for putting them into mavenCentral.

Introduced testlib in 1fd857e, and moved lots of stuff out of gradle-plugin and into lib.

I think everything is now where it belongs, except:

  • FormatExtension.customReplace
  • FormatExtension.customReplaceRegex
  • FormatExtension.trimTrailingWhitespace

Should all have their implementations in lib. A lot of tests in plugin-gradle also belong in lib - basically everything that isn't a subclass of GradleIntegrationTest.

Does 15 hours count as a few? Sorry for delay, had a lot on my plate today.

Haha, no worries! I happened to be asleep during most of those 15 hours, so it definitely counts as only "a few" in my book. :)

Introduced testlib in 1fd857e, and moved lots of stuff out of gradle-plugin and into lib.

Cool stuff.

Should all have their implementations in lib. A lot of tests in plugin-gradle also belong in lib - basically everything that isn't a subclass of GradleIntegrationTest.


Just wanted to warn you that things are getting busy for me again, so I don't know when I'll be able to tackle any of the bullet points above (or indeed the rest of the seemingly never-ending deluge of tasks we need to finish up before shipping 3.x!)

So let's tackle everything one step at a time and at our own pace. :)

@nedtwigg The bullet points in your last message have now been dealt with by yours truly. :)

The tests have yet to be migrated, so that's our next step.

IndentStepTest has been migrated as of 2ff0364.

@nedtwigg GoogleJavaFormatTest has now been... uh, "migrated", so to speak, as of commit 240fb7c.

However, I've left the contents of what was originally GoogleJavaFormatTest and is now GoogleJavaFormatIntegrationTest alone, as it's not clear to me if it should removed in any way, either fully or partially.

May I have your feedback on what should be done with GoogleJavaFormatIntegrationTest now, if anything at all?

Looks perfect as-is. The gradle integration test is prrroobably overkill for future rules that get added when there's a nice test in lib, but it's nice to have a few end-to-end checks in the test suite. Well done!