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Declare inputs and outputs to support up-to-date checking

oehme opened this issue · comments

The spotless check task currently doesn't have any inputs and outputs declared and is thus never considered up-to-date. This is slowing down user's builds unnecessarily.

The input is the source code, and the output is also the exact same source code. Can gradle handle this case?

I'm only talking about the check task. The update task cannot be made incremental, for exactly the reason you said.

My largest project has 6.87MB of java source, spread across 1636 files (in many subprojects, of course :). It takes 5.6 seconds to sum their filesizes with this code in my buildscript:

println 'numFiles = ' + files.size()
long start = System.currentTimeMillis()
long totalSize = 0;
for (File f : files) {
    totalSize += f.length()
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
println 'filesize_MB=' + totalSize / 1_000_000
println 'elapsed_ms=' + elapsed

Running spotlessCheck on these files with these rules:

spotless {
    java {
        custom 'AutoValue fix', { it.replace('autovalue.shaded.', '') }

Takes 38 seconds with a fresh daemon, 16 seconds on the second run, and levels out around 14s.

Given that it takes 6 seconds just to sum their filesizes, I think adding incremental support can, at best, take ~8-10 seconds off of a very large check task, which is about half. It'll be much much faster than any reasonable set of unit tests on a codebase this size.

@oehme How does gradle determine up-to-date? Does it trust filesize+lastModified, some kind of inotify, or take a hash?

The hardest part will be serializing custom input functions. In the example above, if the user changes the AutoValue fix function, we want to be sure to recalculate the "clean" state. If we don't have a good way to do that, then we introduce a minor staleness bug. If spotlessCheck is very slow, and the up-to-date checking is very fast, then it would be worthwhile. But unless gradle's up-to-date checking is doing something very clever like hooking into filesystem events, it seems to me that it's not worth the complexity.

That code you showed is too simplistic. Gradle can up-to-date check projects with a 100000 source files in about 5s. We have performance tests for that. Also, in the future Gradle will even do this pre-emptively (through file system listeners), so that it already knows the up-to-date state before you even run the next build.

The problem is that the spotless check task will run even if the source code for a project did not change. Imagine you only changed one of your projects, but spotless still insists on re-running on every project. That's a big waste of time. There really is no good reason not to do up-to-date checking ;)

You can hash custom functions by hashing their byte code (which you can get from their ClassLoader).

I just saw that spotless adds a task to the root project which checks the complete source tree. This is so much unnecessary work on incremental builds. That calls for a redesign towards much more granular tasks. The plugin should add a task for every sourceSet. If the user wants to check stuff outside of the sourceSets, he can add another check task that only checks some specific files (let's say, the build.gradle files in his gradle folder).

Basically the extension defines how to check (including the file extension, but not the full path). The task decides what to check.

spotless adds a task to the root project

It doesn't add a task to the root project, just the project. You can add it to the root project (I often do), or you can add it to each subproject independently if you prefer.

and then checks the complete source tree

It is true that, by default, it creates one spotlessJavaCheck task for all of a single project's sourceSets, rather than creating a task per sourceSet. That's because most people want to have the same format for all of their sourceSets. If the user wants separate formatting rules for different sourceSets, that's easy to do too, but I don't see a reason to make that the default behavior.

I don't understand why one task with 500 files would be faster than two tasks with 250 files each, with or without incremental build support, so I don't understand why this causes unnecessary work. But if it does, and we need to redesign, I'm open to that :)

The problem is that the spotless check task will run even if the source code for a project did not change. Imagine you only changed one of your projects, but spotless still insists on re-running on every project.

Imagine you want to calcualte the sum of 1000 numbers, and rather than caching each incremental sum, you just recalculate the whole sum when any number changes. Supporting incremental processing is only a win if the processing is more expensive than tracking the changes. Spotless is very simple, and so it is very fast - the bottleneck is disk IO.

Until we can measure that something is a bottleneck, and we can measure that we have sped it up, I don't think we can justify adding complexity. I'm open to the idea that my benchmark is naive, but I don't see how yet. My machine is an old laptop with a magnetic disk, and it takes 6 seconds to look at the metadata of 1600 files, and 14 seconds to read them from disk, format them, and check that they are clean. If your build server has an SSD that can read the metadata for 100,000 files in 5 seconds, maybe it's also powerful enough to format them in 10 seconds?

You can hash custom functions by hashing their byte code

That's a clever idea, I like it! When gradle implements filesystem listeners, I could maaaaybe see that it might be worth the complexity of implementing this feature. But for now, I don't understand why users would experience a faster build, because I don't understand how gradle can check for up-to-date in less time than my naive benchmark.

That's because most people want to have the same format for all of their sourceSets.

Sure, the format would be specified in the extension, which all tasks reuse. But each sourceSet should have its own task. When I only change my test code, I don't want to re-check the main code. It's a waste of time.

I don't understand why one task with 500 files would be faster than two tasks with 250 files each, with or without incremental build support

You are thinking way too much in terms of full builds. Gradle is all about incremental builds. When I change a single source file in a single project, especially with continuous build, I expect a response in a few hundred milliseconds, not several seconds or more.

Imagine you want to calcualte the sum of 1000 numbers, and rather than caching each incremental sum, you just recalculate the whole sum when any number changes. Supporting incremental processing is only a win if the processing is more expensive than tracking the changes. Spotless is very simple, and so it is very fast - the bottleneck is disk IO.

I won't get into an argument here, just test it yourself and you'll be suprised how much faster up-to-date checking is than you think

task foo() {
 inputs.files fileTree('someLargeDirectory')
 outputs.file file('dummy')
 doLast {
   //do nothing, just seeing how fast up-to-date checks are

I did that on a 256MB tree containing 100000 source files. ./gradlew foo takes 1.3s.

Until we can measure that something is a bottleneck, and we can measure that we have sped it up, I don't think we can justify adding complexity.

As I showed you this is trivial to measure. Also, you are talking as if adding incremental build support was some monumental task. For a simple plugin like this, it's a weekend project at best.

Running spotless on that same filetree takes 13s when I change a single file. That's 10 times longer! Imagine how much faster it would be if it only checked that single file. Gradle makes that trivial.

The config was very simplistic, so this gets worse as you add more rules:

spotless {
    format 'native', {
        target '**/*.cpp', '**/*.c', '**/*.h'

        customReplace      'Not enough space after if', 'if(', 'if ('
        customReplaceRegex 'Too much space after if', 'if +\\(', 'if ('

Imagine how much faster it would be if it only checked that single file

We don't have to imagine, we can calculate it ;-) It would be ~12s seconds faster on a 256MB source tree. On a 26MB source tree it would presumably be ~1.2 seconds faster. The biggest source tree I use in my humble world is just 7MB, though my laptop seems to be a lot crummier than yours ;-)

If spotless is consuming 10% of a build's duration, then a 10x speedup in spotless is a 9% build speedup.

I'd be happy to merge a PR. To me, this data confirms that spotless isn't slow enough for this optimization to make it to the top of my weekend project priority queue, at least not on a "utility" basis. But it would be a fun project to learn about or demonstrate Gradle's incremental APIs! If anyone is interested in doing this project for that purpose, go for it!

After thinking about the custom function issue, it doesn't bother me that much anymore - it's fine if changing a custom function doesn't cause spotlessCheck to recalculate. Changes to these functions will almost certainly be tested using spotlessApply, so it's okay if spotlessCheck is broken in this narrow way.

I corrected the number above. It is 10s slower or in other words 10 times as slow.

And remember this is for a trivial set of replacements. I'm sure it's way worse if you add more. I'll give you some more numbers later.

Currently, this is the only task in the project, FormatTask. If anybody has time and need to make the change, I'm happy to merge and release the PR. Clone this repo, run gradlew ide, and you've got a dev environment. Here's the gradle docs on incremental builds.

I'd guess that making this change might require creating a separate FormatApplyTask and FormatCheckTask task, but if there's a way to avoid that it would be better to be able to release as 2.1.0 rather than 3.0.0, but whatever the code needs :)

I will be happy to assist the contributor with this. It will definitely require a 3.0 to do this right.

We should fix some other non-idiomatic Gradle usages while doing this. For instance the formats DSL and how the plugin creates tasks from it is not very user friendly. There are lots of special characters needed like quotes, commas and parentheses. It just looks very different from other Gradle APIs. Also, the task is not available except using afterEvaluate which makes customization look awkward. This can easily be fixed by following the same patterns that all Gradle core plugins use for their DSL. And if we're breaking API to fix the tasks, we should take this into account too.

We should track that in its own issue, but assign it to the same 3.0 milestone. @nedtwigg can you set that up? :)

Here's my design for a Gradle-idiomatic DSL for spotless. The plugin would create a pair of check/apply tasks for every 'target'. This will make the plugin faster, more flexible and easier to extend.

spotless {
  //formats specify how to format certain kinds of code
  formats {
    // by using the named container API you get stuff like 'all' for free :)
    all {
     lineEndings 'GIT_ATTRIBUTES'
    //java is a special method that returns a more specific type
    java {
      lineEndings 'UNIX'
    //so is freshmark :)
    freshmark {

   //custom formats look just like pre-defined ones, no Strings or commas
    misc {
      //the format only specifies the file extension it cares about
      //which filetrees to process is decided on the target level
      extensions '.gradle', '.md', '.gitignore'
      //use boolean assignment instead of no-arg methods to
      //avoid as many parentheses as possible and also making it
      //easy to turn off again
      trimTrailingWhitespace true
      indentWith '\t'
      endWithNewline true
      step('mySpecialStep') {
        //imperative code here
  //targets select file trees to scan and optionally which formats to apply
  targets {
    buildFiles {
      dir(projectDir) //careful here, we don't want to recurse through the whole project ;)
      //optional, default is all formats
      formats formats.misc
    //when the java plugin is applied, it automatically adds a target
    //for every sourceSet of the project

(Unrelated aside: setting the lineEndings property is almost always a bad idea now that spotless supports gitattributes, see here for explanation)

I've created issue #32 to discuss your proposed DSL change.

We can definitely implement up-to-date checking and incremental support without changing the DSL, they're almost unrelated. Even if we decide to break the existing DSL, we should first release a version which adds incremental support for people who can't immediately make the jump to 3.0.0.

Note to potential contributors: I will quickly merge and release any PR's which add up-to-date support or incremental build, but please don't break the DSL.

We will need to break up the tasks into two different types, so that will be a breaking change. But yes, we don't need to change the spotless extension DSL to get incremental builds.

Breaking up the DSL to create more fine grained tasks will make incremental builds even better though, that's why I mentioned it here.

I'd be interested in looking into this.

As I'm new to writing Gradle plugins, I'd have to study the incremental tasks docs and delve into the Spotless source code to wrap my head around things, so I'll let you know both know if I manage to produce something useful that could act as a good starting point for this.

@jbduncan Cool! Note that the plugin currently scans the whole project dir, which includes stuff like the Gradle cache directory and the build directory. So you'll need to to apply at least some basic filters to its inputs before up-to-date checking will kick in.

Hi @oehme, many thanks for your response! It's not clear to me how I should go about implementing these filters you suggested, so I wonder if you could point me towards some resources which I could use to learn more about them?

Have a look at the user guide section on file trees :)

Thanks @oehme!

I've made an initial attempt at this in #45, but there's a few things which I'm confused about, and I wonder if you can help me.

Firstly, I don't really know if I've understood the docs on incremental tasks, and so I don't know if I've used the annotations and IncrementalTaskInputs class correctly, and I wondered if you could give me some constructive feedback.

Secondly, the tests no longer compile, but it's not clear to me what I should do to make them compile again (something about needing IncrementalTaskInputs parameters, but I don't know if I should mock them or if there are proper test impls that I can use), so I wondered if you can point me in the right direction.

And finally, it's not clear to me how and where I should use getProject().fileTree(...) in the code to trigger up-to-date checking, and I wondered if you could point me in the right direction with this too.

Firstly, I don't really know if I've understood the docs on incremental tasks, and so I don't know if I've used the annotations and IncrementalTaskInputs class correctly, and I wondered if you could give me some constructive feedback.

I'll leave a few comments in the PR. Generally, the annotations are the first step, so the task can be up-to-date checked. Using IncrementalTaskInputs is the icing on the cake :) Then the task only processes the inputs that actually changed.

Secondly, the tests no longer compile, but it's not clear to me what I should do to make them compile again (something about needing IncrementalTaskInputs parameters, but I don't know if I should mock them or if there are proper test impls that I can use), so I wondered if you can point me in the right direction.

Generally I don't unit-test task classes, because they rely on quite a bit of Gradle infrastructure. Instead, I extract the processing logic into a separate class and unit-test that one. If you do want to unit-test them, then mocking the IncrementalTaskInputs is probably the way to go.

And finally, it's not clear to me how and where I should use getProject().fileTree(...) in the code to trigger up-to-date checking, and I wondered if you could point me in the right direction with this too.

I might have been a little unclear here. It does not trigger up-to-date checking. It's just that checking the whole project dir without a filter would include constantly changing things like the Gradle cache and the build directory.

The problematic code is where the spotless plugin sets up the targets. This should have some default excludes (cache dir, build dir).

Generally I don't unit-test task classes, because they rely on quite a bit of Gradle infrastructure. Instead, I extract the processing logic into a separate class and unit-test that one. If you do want to unit-test them, then mocking the IncrementalTaskInputs is probably the way to go.

It's not clear to me yet if I do want to unit-test the task classes, but it seems like the path of least resistance ATM, so I'll go down that route for now, and if I see a way of improving things later, I'll improve them then. :)

Thanks again for your feedback @oehme. I've realised I'm now stuck again, as one of the tests is failing and I'm struggling to see how to make things go green again, and I wonder if you or @nedtwigg can help me move forward.

I pushed my most recent code snapshot to 6061363.

I grabbed your code and responded in the PR.

Hmm, I'm feeling rather lost now. I understand there's been further discussion at #45 and #47, but I've lost track of how it all fits together, and there's even some parts which my mind is just refusing to parse. Consequently I've not understood what it is I'm supposed to be doing now to move forward with #45.

@nedtwigg @oehme Would one of you kindly give me a summary of what's been discussed and explain what I should do next? :)

Just pulled your latest, tests pass, great work!

The core wrinkle is that all FormatterSteps need to support Serializable/equals/hashCode, and we don't have a great way to do that for custom steps. We talked this through here and @oehme convinced me that his way was best. #47 is the one open wrinkle, we'll have to figure out what we think about it to completely close it out.

Also, I just realized another hard part - LineEnding.Policy. By default, we use GitAttributes, which depends on every .gitattributes file in the repo, as well as system-wide config files. So we've gotta make LineEnding.Policy be Serializable, and figure out how to implement that for GitAttributes.

I made some unrelated changes causing a conflict - I'm merging master into your branch and I'll upload the change and come back again with a to-do list we can work through together.

Just uploaded the merge and some minor cleanup. We need to make all of the following things properly serializable/equalsTo/hashCode. Right now a lot of these are lazily evaluated, and a naive serializable implementation will make it more eager than is necessary. Maybe that's unavoidable, depending on how gradle handles the @Input annotations - we'll pick @oehme's brain as we go ;-)

  • GitAttributesLinePolicy
  • GoogleJavaFormat
  • EclipseFormatterStep
  • IndentStep
  • LicenseHeaderStep
  • FreshMarkExtension constructor
  • FormatExtension::customReplace
  • FormatExtension::customReplaceRegex

Depending on what we decide on #47, we can either ignore these completely, or at least handle them piece-by-piece. We'll need some infrastructure for making the serialization easy, and for easily testing that the serialization is working. I've got some ideas for this, but I gotta run. I'll upload these ideas later today, feel free to upload other ideas too :)

Based on how hard it is to actually do this, maybe we'll consider bailing on this approach and using the full shortcut presented by #47.

I've uploaded a few commits. They have long commit messages that tell the story, but here's the outline:

  1. 7b6aea7, 6113458, 452fbd9, c1357f5 build up to FormatterStep.Strict which puts a hard wall between the serializable state of a rule, and the pure logic which applies that to the files.
  2. 51f0531 uses this framework to rewrite LicenseHeaderStep.
  3. eefdc50 is an implementation of the idea in #47

Based on this, I think that making every built-in rule properly support up-to-date checking is fairly straightforward (though it's definitely a lot of work!).

If it looks like a generally good idea to you guys, then I think we should merge this to a new branch 3.x and start implementing all these things as their own PRs. It also desperately needs some integration testing to ensure that the incremental builds are running and not running as we expect.

You can use TestKit to verify that your tasks are executed/skipped as expected.

Gradle evaluates inputs just before a task is executed, so no worries about eagerness.

Also don't sweat about the Serializability. We don't need cross machine/cross version compatibility. This is just about local caching and if serialization breaks with a new version then Gradle will just reexecute the task.

Literally just slapping implements Serializable on those classes should work in almost any case.

I don't think this separation of the state and the implementation is necessary. I think it just makes it more complex. What's the gain?

@nedtwigg I wonder if the bumpThisNumberIfACustomRuleChanges() option you created in eefdc50 is really needed. If, as @oehme said, we could just slap implements Serializable and reasonable impls of equals/hashCode on all the relevant classes, wouldn't Gradle be able to figure the rest out? Or have I misunderstood something?

@oehme You mentioned in #47 (comment) that one can write "rules as standalone classes". What do you mean by that? Are there any resources we can refer to to learn more about this concept?

@jbduncan every spotless rule is just an implementation of some rule interface. It is a functional interface, so you can write it inline using the lambda syntax in Groovy. But then it will never be up-to-date, because equals/hashCode will use reference equality.

To allow proper up-to-date checking, you would just write it as a named class instead

@groovy.transform.Canonical //takes care of equals/hashcode
MySpecialRule implements FormatterRule { //FormatterRule extend Serializable
    int someConfigValue

    String format(String input) {

and then in your spotless config

custom 'mySpecialFix', new MySpecialRule(42)

Thanks @oehme, your description almost makes perfect sense to me.

What I'm still unsure about is whether FormatterRule is a type provided by Gradle or if it's something which we'd have to provide in Spotless. Could you clarify this for me?

That would be a type provided by spotless. Currently it uses Throwing.Function, which is not Serializable

Ah, I see! Thanks. :)

I don't think this separation of the state and the implementation is necessary. I think it just makes it more complex. What's the gain?

Transparent lazy init. Each Format consists of an eagerly-constructed list of FormatterSteps (FormatterRule in your example above). To ensure that Spotless doesn't cause any file IO if its tasks aren't being used, most FormatterStep are lazy: customLazy(() -> new LicenseHeaderStep(licenseFile)::format). This means that all the work of initializing a step doesn't need to happen until / if it's actually used.

Looking at the 51f0531 implementation of LicenseHeaderStep, you can see that in the case where a file needs to be parsed, that state is loaded lazily. It's not a big deal to load a teensy license header file. But in the case of google-java-format, for example, people are using that plugin to get -SNAPSHOT versions from maven. So to figure out the state, we actually have to grab the latest POM and check it against the last POM we grabbed. Finding the state of all the .gitattributes files in the repo is also fairly expensive.

I wonder if the bumpThisNumberIfACustomRuleChanges()

The only purpose of this method is so that simple rules created in this way:

custom 'quickRule', { quickExpression }

don't become second class citizens. This flexibility is Spotless' greatest strength imo - it's the reason why it was so easy to absorb FreshMark, GoogleJavaFormat, etc. No reason to require it for built-in rules, but it would be great if simple rules don't degrade performance (relative to a build which doesn't have simple rules).

Okay, thanks for the explanation @nedtwigg.

It's not clear to me at this stage which of the two options - bumpThisNumberIfACustomRuleChanges(), or creating a named formatter action class a-la #31 (comment) - should be included in Spotless, or if both should be included... so unless you have any objections @nedtwigg, I'll get started with the check boxes in #31 (comment), and see where that takes us. :)

Just added fb613bc which tweaks LazyForwardingEquality to implement equals and hashCode in terms of the serialized bytes, so no need for manual imp.

Feel free to dig in to the checkboxes, however you see fit! Implement FormatterStep directly, or use the FormatterStep.Strict stuff. If it turns out to be easier to hand-roll lazy init/equals/hashCode for each class then I'm fine with axing it :)

I'm going to ship 2.4.0 which has been sitting as snapshot for a couple days, then create a new branch 3.x, and switch travis to use the 3.x branch for putting binaries into the maven snapshot repo. That way users can start testing on real projects.

Sounds good to me!

Oh sorry @nedtwigg, I've realised that I'm actually going to be rather busy with things, and I don't really know how long I'll be busy for, so I won't might not be able to work on the checkboxes in the foreseeable future. Therefore I'd be happy if you or someone else were to have a go at them instead.

No worries! Anybody interested can work through the check boxes at whatever pace they've got time for :)

Ah, I actually had a bit of time this afternoon, so I managed to do some cleanup and make GoogleJavaFormat incremental-build-ready in branch 3.x via commits 7ee199f, 044be5f and 3165b83.

Also, FYI @nedtwigg, at some point we'll need to change CheckFormatTask.formatCheck(Formatter) so that it also accepts a parameter of type IncrementalTaskInputs, so that Gradle can better do incremental builds.

This parameter would be used in place of BaseFormatTask.target, so for example, given this snippet at https://github.com/diffplug/spotless/blob/3.x/src/main/java/com/diffplug/gradle/spotless/CheckFormatTask.java#L34-L47

private void formatCheck(Formatter formatter) throws IOException {
  for (File file : target) {

we'd need to change it to the following, by my understanding:

private void formatCheck(Formatter formatter, IncrementalTaskInputs inputs) throws IOException {
  inputs.outOfDate(details -> {
    File file = details.getFile();

Roger. Also, see my comments on 3165b83.

I have a bit of time this evening, so I'm happy to continue having a go at this.

I've pushed commits 2f984b6 and aa2cab5, which have moved things forward with EclipseFormatterStep. @nedtwigg, I wonder if you'd kindly review them for me?

I had a go at GitAttributesLineEndingPolicy, but it's not clear to me how to serialize it yet, as not all its fields are serializable yet, and two of those fields (List<AttributesRule>s) use classes from JGit which we do not control.

@nedtwigg @oehme I wonder if I have your thoughts, if any, on how we could make GitAttributesLineEndingPolicy serializable?

The general problem with all these classes is that they have eagerly populated fields and then laziness is wrapped around them from the outside. Serialization would be trivial if the laziness was built into the classes instead. E.g. GitAttributesLineEndingPolicy should have a transient field for the attribute rules which it reads from the file system when it is requested for the first time.

I think @oehme raises a rather good point.

@nedtwigg I think we might be able to lower the number of lines of code and make the codebase easier to learn if we make GoogleJavaFormat, EclipseFormatterStep etc. implement FormatterStep, do things lazily internally and be serializable directly.

If I have time, I'd be happy to have a go at converting the classes I've touched so far. Do either of you have any objections to this?

No objections here, but remember that they'll need to also implement equals and hashCode. If you look at frameworks like React.js, the key innovation is to make things immutable, and make the framework figure out the hard parts. It looks to me that getting rid of the FormatterStep.Strict takes the hard part out of the framework, and sprinkles it into every impl. But I might be wrong, and I'm happy to look at some code for other ideas.

I think the best next step is to get incremental working on at least one rule, and take a look at what our performance gains are.

Ah okay, you make a pretty convincing case, so I agree now that getting rid of the FormatterStep.Strict class hierarchy might not be the best idea.

I believe I've now made both GoogleJavaFormat and EclipseFormatterStep incremental. The only thing we'd need to do now before looking at performance gains is to make sure CheckFormatTask.formatCheck has an additional IncrementalTaskInputs parameter, as I discussed in #31 (comment).

However, I feel rather out of my depth with adding in this parameter myself, as I had a go at it a few days ago, but got stumped when I tried to refactor the rest of the code and the tests to take the parameter into account.

@nedtwigg, would you mind if I were to leave this part to you?

Implemented in 06b5e38. A lot of testing left to do still :)

Great, thank you!

Implemented incremental .gitattributes. Biggest need is to test incremental behavior, second is to finish out these checkboxes. I force pushed over your commit-revert pair.

Great, thanks @nedtwigg. I realise that those two commits were a blemish in an otherwise clean commit history, so thanks for getting rid of them for me.

@nedtwigg, how are things going on your end with testing the incremental inputs? Is there anything you need help with to move forward?

@jbduncan Sorry, didn't mean to imply that I was working on testing. Only that testing was the project's greatest need. We've done a bunch of work, does any of it work? Is it faster?

Spotless is the fastest step in most of my builds, so this has always been at the bottom of my priority list. Anytime someone wants to contribute to a project I'm maintaining, enabling them becomes the top of my list. So I don't care a bunch whether this gets finished, but I do care about helping you or anyone else who wants this enough to build it.

In Spotless 2.x, every step needed to test that it applied formatting correctly. In Spotless 3.x, every step also needs to test it recognizes changes in its input properties. I don't know anything about testing Gradle's incremental build, so I see that as out of my wheelhouse, and into the wheelhouse of whoever wants this. Whenever there's a problem with Spotless and its guts (e.g. the .gitattributes nastiness) I'm happy to hop in again and help :)

Ah okay, I understand now what you meant. :)

Testing incremental behaviour (which I presume would involve microbenchmarking in some way) is something I'm also unfamiliar with. I've had a look at Chapter 39.4 of the Gradle user guide, but it doesn't seem to say anything on how testing should be done.

@oehme Do you have any advice on how I could test the correctness and performance of the parts of the code base we've "incrementalised" so far?

I think @oehme mentioned this a little:

You can use TestKit to verify that your tasks are executed/skipped as expected.

The integration tests (which are already in the test suite) return a BuildResult where you can query the TaskOutcome. So that's how you can test the correctness.

For performance, I don't think we necessarily need benchmarks. I'd just run 2.x on a build a few times, then run 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT a few times, using the --profile flag to do the measuring. Basically, use this in a production-scenario, and roughly quantify how it's helping.

@nedtwigg Thank you very much for you advice. I've just pushed a new commit at 5e568df which contains a bunch of new incremental-related test improvements, and I wonder if you'd have the time and willingness to review it at some point for me in the near future?

Regarding performance, I did some 'benchmarks' on my Windows laptop on both master and 3.x, running ./gradlew clean and then running ./gradlew build --profile 5 times on each of the two branches, which gave me the following results.

3.x (3.x 93354082f9e3e00984d7db3a72847c666e5306fc):
0. ./gradlew clean
1. ./gradlew build - 1 mins 36.233 secs (:spotlessCheck: 4.778 secs)
2. ./gradlew build - 12.302 secs (:spotlessCheck: 4.507 secs)
3. ./gradlew build - 12.34 secs (:spotlessCheck: 4.27 secs)
4. ./gradlew build - 12.294 secs (:spotlessCheck: 4.288 secs)
5. ./gradlew build - 12.33 secs (:spotlessCheck: 4.423 secs)

2.x (master b8fa86a51da32f294f8080b3042f40d9ab5dcfcd):
0. ./gradlew clean
1. ./gradlew build - 2 mins 13.168 secs (:spotlessCheck: 9.11 secs)
2. ./gradlew build - 15.599 secs (:spotlessCheck: 7.633 secs)
3. ./gradlew build - 15.599 secs (:spotlessCheck: 7.44 secs)
4. ./gradlew build - 15.258 secs (:spotlessCheck: 7.211 secs)
5. ./gradlew build - 15.349 secs (:spotlessCheck: 7.417 secs)

The time improvements seem very promising considering we've only incrementalised part of the code base (~3 seconds faster :spotlessCheck execution on 3.x).

I don't really know why the (1.) running times for 2.x and 3.x were so different (~1 mins 36 secs vs. ~2 mins 13 secs), but I think it was due to how both times the build script needed to download stuff from the Eclipse P2 repo, and it coincidentally took longer for it to download everything when I was testing 2.x (compared to 3.x).

@jbduncan The new commit is a good start! I did some refactoring in ce2ca9c, and then used that refactoring to point out a bug in b35c1ab, which I tried and failed to figure out in 04751a8.

@oehme We're having trouble with up-to-date-checking. Here's what's going on to save you from digging around:

If the build.gradle changes from this:

spotless { java {
} }

to this:

spotless { java {
} }

then the check task needs to rerun. This shows that it is not happening.

This shows that the FormatterStep themselves have the proper equality semantics, and this shows that a List<FormatterStep> has the proper equality semantics.

CheckFormatTask is the task in question, and BaseFormatTask is its parent class which actually has @Input public List<FormatterStep> steps = new ArrayList<>(); Does inheritance of annotated input properties not work? Are we doing something else wrong?

@jbduncan the tests you ran don't show the improvement you'd expect from an incremental build. I'm pretty sure you're just seeing a more efficient implementation of spotless itself.

If the task was up-to-date you'd see it marked as such on the command line and it would take a few ms, not several seconds.

Hi @oehme, I didn't actually expect my tests to show the full improvement in speed expected from a proper incremental build. This is because @nedtwigg and I haven't "incrementalised" all of the relevant parts of the Spotless code base yet - we still have to apply the required Serializable and equals()/hashCode() semantics to the following files:

  • IndentStep
  • FreshMarkExtension constructor
  • FormatExtension::customReplace
  • FormatExtension::customReplaceRegex

I'd therefore argue that the results so far are actually really promising, as the timings are going in the right direction (down from ~7s to ~4s, with the millisecond range being our ultimate goal). :)

Here's an example of what I get from the terminal when I run ./gradlew build -x :test on the current SNAPSHOT of 3.x.

$ ./gradlew build -x :test
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:pluginDescriptors UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:publishPluginJar UP-TO-DATE
:javadoc UP-TO-DATE
:publishPluginJavaDocsJar UP-TO-DATE
:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:findbugsMain UP-TO-DATE
:pluginUnderTestMetadata UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:spotlessFreshmarkCheck UP-TO-DATE
:spotlessJavaCheck UP-TO-DATE
:spotlessMiscCheck UP-TO-DATE
:spotlessCheck UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 4.567 secs


Total time: 15.061 secs

Interesting, all the spotless tasks in your example are marked as up-to-date. I'm curious where those 4s are spent then. Can you produce a build scan?

@jbduncan's benchmarks were run against the Spotless codebase. spotlessCheck and spotlessApply in this case are run through a complex bootstrapping process - I don't think a buildscan will be helpful. I'll dig in to do some testing when the code works, but in the meantime I wouldn't spend much time interpreting these results.

For now, I think our real problem is the correctness issue I described in this comment.

@nedtwigg I'm not sure I understand why you don't think running a build scan would be helpful. Could you elaborate further for me?

In order for a profiling result to be useful, it's important to change as few things as possible. That way you can trace changes in the result to their source. Running spotlessCheck on master and 3.x branches means that we're running different versions of spotless, to format different codebases, possibly with different build.gradle configurations. So if we find a difference, it's going to be a lot of work to figure out what it means, and even if we do that work we might make a mistake and draw the wrong conclusion.

The second problem is that it's difficult to apply a Gradle plugin to its own sourcecode. So Spotless does some tricks so that spotlessApply and spotlessCheck can work, which you can see here. A build scan would provide profiling data on these tricks, which is not helpful in figuring out Spotless' performance for end-users.

A better test would be to take a very large codebase, perhaps this one and run with two different versions of Spotless. That way the only variable is the version of spotless - not the codebase being formatted or the build.gradle. Change a single file, and make sure that spotlessCheck runs again, and how long does it take. Change the rule, and make sure that spotless runs again. etc.

Regardless of any profiling results, I think that everything besides this testcase is probably a distraction. The testcase shows a correctness problem, and rules out several possible causes. I'd like to focus @oehme's skills on that testcase rather than the profiling data.

@nedtwigg Your task needs to have getters for its properties, otherwise Gradle will not pick them up.

Great, that sounds relatively easy to fix. Thank you very much @oehme for looking into this problem for us. :D

I'm currently working on a fix, and I hope to have it done and committed today or tomorrow.

Hmm, I take that back - it's actually proving to be rather difficult for me to fix!

It seems that introducing getters is so reliant on all the right parts of the code being serializable (which we haven't completed yet) that it's causing serialization-related errors whenever I run gradlew check.

I've uploaded a commit of my working code to 8d503ac.

@oehme, @nedtwigg, may I have your thoughts on this?

@jbduncan that's not specific to getters, that's how up-to-date checks work ;) Every input of a Gradle task needs to be serializable.

Your commit looks good to me.

How strange! I think my /.gradle folder must have been corrupted, because no matter whether I ran gradle check via IntelliJ IDEA or on the console, I was continuously getting different error messages to what Travis reported.

I've deleted my /.gradle folder and run gradle spotlessApply and gradle check again on my local machine, but now I get some failing tests. Hopefully Travis will report the same error message as I'm seeing here once it finishes scanning.

It looks like the Travis run for 722e222 produced the same error message as on my local machine.

@oehme @nedtwigg Do you have any thoughts on where things may be going wrong?

GoogleJavaFormatStepTest (the previously failing test) now passes. Great work!

All of the test failures are expected - they are failing on calls to checkRunsThenUpToDate() on steps which don't implement Serializable properly, so they are never up-to-date. The fi package with SerializablePredicate/Function needs to die. Lambdas will never implement serializable properly. Anywhere that SerializablePredicate/Function is needed will have to be replaced with FormatterStep.create or createLazy, which lets you use a lambda in a serializable way by capturing and serializing the state.

Hi @nedtwigg, many thanks for the compliment and your suggestion for moving forward. :)

I had a go at translating the Serializable(Predicate|Function) calls into FormatterStep calls this evening - but I'm stuck with turning the call to FormatterStep.filterByFile(Predicate<File>) in JavaExtension.setupTask(BaseFormatTask) into a serializable, non-lambda-expression-using FormatterStep that filters on a file...

(The FormatterStep.create* factories don't seem to give access to the file parameter from FormatterStep.format(String, File), so I don't think I can use those methods.)

...so I'm struggling to see the way forward again, and I wonder if you have any other suggestions for me?

I just fixed the SerializablePredicate part in a0be07c. Hopefully that shows the way forward for similar problems :)

Well, I've now solved some if not all the serialization problems in a1bb630. :)

However, as of 8307223, the tests are complaining that running spotlessCheck twice doesn't cause it to report that everything's up-to-date, which suggests to me that the incremental build is no longer working, and that maybe I messed up with the serialization somewhere?

(I've confirmed the lack of incremental build by running spotlessCheck on the Spotless codebase twice on my laptop, which doesn't report any "UP-TO-DATE" messages next to the spotlessCheck subtasks).

So I'm left feeling rather stumped.

@oehme @nedtwigg Do you have any idea if I missed something or where I went wrong?

I fixed the problems in d51d13a, did some minor test reorg in b33c6ef and 9a76f34, then did some refactoring in 86c38e6.

I did a chunk of other work as well, but I'll need to clean it up before I push it up. I expect we'll have a first RC ready by the end of the week.

EDIT: replaced the last refactoring commit with a force push

Can I already write a custom rule as a class and attach it without needing the bump-method? If not, we need a way to do that. It's important so that users can write their rules e.g. in buildSrc or in a plugin and share it across projects or with others.

class MySpecialRule implements FormatterRule { //FormatterRule extends Serializable
  String format(String input) {

spotless {
  java {
    custom 'mySpecialRule', new MySpecialRule()

@nedtwigg Cool, let me know when you've managed to push your remaining chunk of work, as I've noticed a few little areas for improvement, but I'm unsure if I'd be treading over the same lines of code that you're currently working on.

@oehme I admit I don't really know the answer to your question, and I'm unsure how we'd test it. @nedtwigg, does Spotless already allow users to write such class-based rules? If not, do you have any ideas for how we could allow a user to do so?

Can I already write a custom rule as a class and attach it without needing the bump-method?


spotless { java {
    addStep(new MyFormatterStep())     // explicit constructor call
    addStep(MyFormatterStep.create())  // might be constructor, or FormatterStep.create()
    custom 'stepName', { someCustomFunction } // you'll need to do the bump-thing

OO techniques make it hard to implement serialization, equality, and laziness all at once, but the FormatterStep.create methods make it a lot less error-prone, so I think I'll steer users in that direction. GoogleJavaFormat and EclipseFormatter are good examples, but some of those below will make even simpler ones:

The following do not support up-to-date checking, but it would be easy to fix them:

  • Freshmark
  • FormatExtension.customReplace
  • FormatExtension.customReplaceRegex
  • EndWithNewline
  • IndentStep

@jbduncan feel free to implement these or do cleanup as you wish. I'm going to do some exploratory work in a different branch for #56.

Will do @nedtwigg. :)

FormatExtension.customReplace* should now be incremental-build-ready (see 52d70d6).

I had a go at Freshmark, but when I tried replacing the following lines of code (in FreskMarkExtension)

customLazy(NAME, () -> {
	// defaults to all project properties
	if (properties == null) {
		properties = getProject().getProperties();
	FreshMark freshMark = new FreshMark(properties, getProject().getLogger()::warn);
	return freshMark::compile;


		() -> new FileSignature(target),
		key -> {
			// defaults to all project properties
			if (properties == null) {
				properties = getProject().getProperties();
			return new FreshMark(properties, getProject().getLogger()::warn)::compile;

and ran gradlew build twice, it would throw the following exception

java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Jonathan\dev\Java\IntelliJ Projects\spotless\build\reports\tests\classes

suggesting to me that

  1. it's trying to read from build/ (I don't understand why it's trying to do so, as build/ should be filtered out when FormatExtension.parseTarget is called).
  2. my understanding of file serialization is lacking somewhere.

FormatterSteps are independent of the files they are transforming. They are dependent on anything which determines their configuration. So EclipseFormatter.State needs to have the file that holds the formatter properties file, but it does not need the target files that it is transforming.

For FreshMark, the key should be the Map<String, String> of properties that it is using.

The FormatTask tracks which files are being transformed, not the FormatterSteps.

FormatterSteps are independent of the files they are transforming. They are dependent on anything which determines their configuration. So EclipseFormatter.State needs to have the file that holds the formatter properties file, but it does not need the target files that it is transforming.

Ahh, okay, I see now. Thanks for clearing up my confusion on this.

For FreshMark, the key should be the Map<String, String> of properties that it is using.

Hmm, it seems the default properties are not serializable, so the closest I can get to a version of properties which can be used as a key, is with the following code snippet.

		() -> {
			// defaults to all project properties
			if (properties == null) {
				properties = getProject().getProperties();
			// properties isn't serializable, so make a serializable copy
			return new LinkedHashMap<>(Maps.transformValues(properties, value -> (value == null) ? null : value.toString()));
		key -> new FreshMark(key, getProject().getLogger()::warn)::compile));

The consequence of this solution is :spotlessFreshmarkCheck never reports as being UP-TO-DATE...

Looks like we'll need a Freshmark.State class. Mapping them all to Map<String, String> is a great fix for up-to-date checking, but it's possible for some props to be actual java objects that need to be passed as the objects themselves, not string. So Map<String, ?> can be transient, and Map<String, String> can be the actual prop.

Possible cause 1: LinkedHashMap<> cares about order, and whatever gradle is using doesn't, so they're getting reordered randomly.
Possible cause 2: There's a property like "currentTime: Date". Try some debug code that dumps all the properties in getProject().getProperties() and see if any are changing. Depending on what it is, it might be appropriate for the default behavior of this method to be that it is never up-to-date unless properties are manually specified. Or, maybe instead of passig getProject().getProperties(), we should manually parse gradle.properties ourselves.

Gradle definitely doesn't reorder things randomly ;)

My bet is on: There is either a timestamp property or a property that doesn't implement toString(), so you just get the identity hash code which is different on every invocation.

The solution is pretty simple: The user should be explicit about what properties should be passed to FreshMark. The default should be none.

It's very handy that everything in gradle.properties shows up in freshmark without much work. One solution is to add a method addProps(File propertiesFile). But I still lean towards filtering out the individual property which is causing the issue.

There is no such individual property. Every build out there probably has dozens of properties that either are some kind of timestamp or simply don't have a toString() method. The properties are used by build script authors as a bucket to put all kinds of data.

We could check for unimplemented toString() using System.identityHashCode() and filter them out. Regardless, you're convincing me that adding all props is the wrong way to go :) I'm still curious which is the troublemaker.

When I print out the properties during a run of gradle check, they look like this:

properties = {
    parent: null
    classLoaderScope: org.gradle.api.internal.initialization.DefaultClassLoaderScope@1fd793ea
    plugins: [org.gradle.api.plugins.HelpTasksPlugin@4493592c, org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LifecycleBasePlugin@6c33e52a, org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePlugin@32382b0c, org.gradle.api.plugins.ReportingBasePlugin@e0c5757, org.gradle.platform.base.plugins.ComponentBasePlugin@34613fbe, org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LanguageBasePlugin@41fcc7ce, org.gradle.platform.base.plugins.BinaryBasePlugin@7dea052b, org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin@1fca0c52, org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPlugin@7729233b, com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.SpotlessPlugin@182e787a]
    configurations: [configuration ':archives', configuration ':compile', configuration ':compileClasspath', configuration ':compileOnly', configuration ':default', configuration ':runtime', configuration ':testCompile', configuration ':testCompileClasspath', configuration ':testCompileOnly', configuration ':testRuntime']
    logger: org.gradle.internal.logging.slf4j.OutputEventListenerBackedLogger@2378b9ca
    rootDir: C:\Users\Jonathan\dev\Java\IntelliJ Projects\spotless
    projectRegistry: org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultProjectRegistry@7ee85ce6
    path: :
    testResultsDirName: test-results
    targetCompatibility: 1.8
    rootProject: root project 'spotless'
    libsDirName: libs
    artifactIdLib: spotless-lib
    properties: {parent=null, classLoaderScope=org.gradle.api.internal.initialization.DefaultClassLoaderScope@1fd793ea, ...}

I dare not paste all the properties, because the list is massive.

But looking through the first few props, it seems obvious to me that a number of properties simply do not implement toString() and print out their identities instead, as @oehme suspected.

I didn't notice any timestamp-related property as I was glancing through the list, so I suspect that the objects which don't implement toString() are to blame.

Therefore I'd be inclined to completely throw out the safeguard currently in place to set the properties to getProject().getProperties() if the user doesn't specify them themselves.

@nedtwigg Do you have any ideas as to what we could do instead? Just throw an exception? Or log it and/or perform some other action?

Therefore I'd be inclined to completely throw out the safeguard currently in place to set the properties to getProject().getProperties() if the user doesn't specify them themselves.

I think that's the wrong default. It'll always be out of date. It should be no properties by default and the user should conciously decide what she needs.

I think I agree with @oehme. I think we should add a propsFile argument which can load a .properties file.

@nedtwigg I admit I don't really understand what you mean by adding a propsFile argument (it wasn't clear to me if you wanted me to add it to FreshmarkExtension::new's parameter list or another method's), but my current solution is to turn FreshmarkExtension.java, which currently contains:

public class FreshMarkExtension extends FormatExtension {
	public static final String NAME = "freshmark";

	public Map<String, ?> properties;

	public FreshMarkExtension(SpotlessExtension root) {
		super(NAME, root);
		customLazy(NAME, () -> {
			// defaults to all project properties
			if (properties == null) {
				properties = getProject().getProperties();
			FreshMark freshMark = new FreshMark(properties, getProject().getLogger()::warn);
			return freshMark::compile;

	public void properties(Map<String, ?> properties) {
		this.properties = properties;


public class FreshMarkExtension extends FormatExtension {
	public static final String NAME = "freshmark";

	public FreshMarkExtension(SpotlessExtension root) {
		super(NAME, root);

	public void properties(Map<String, ?> properties) {
		customLazy(NAME, () -> {
			FreshMark freshMark = new FreshMark(properties, getProject().getLogger()::warn);
			return freshMark::compile;

My solution seems to pass all the tests on my machine.

What do you think?

customLazy tasks will always be out-of-date. We need to capture the state of the Map<String, String>, and move FreshMark into lib, using same Provisioner construct as EclipseFormatter and GoogleJavaFormat. If I'm being confusing, that's my bad, I might be able to communicate better by just writing it :)

Ooh, yes please! If you could write it down, then I think there's a much higher chance that I'd understand. :)

  • Created FreshMark inside lib: a060ee4
  • Refactored gradle's FreshMark to use better DSL: 8bb31d1

Hi @nedtwigg, I've been working on incrementalising ImportSorterStep over the last few days, but I've observed that when I run ./gradlew check twice on the root project (before and after I've stashed my local changes away with git stash), it throws an exception at :spotlessFreshmarkCheck, and I'm struggling to tell what's causing it, so I wondered if you'd be happy to have a look into it?

Here is an abbreviated example of the stack trace I get.

Exception in thread "main" org.gradle.testkit.runner.UnexpectedBuildFailure: Unexpected build execution failure in C:\Users\Jonathan\dev\Java\IntelliJ Projects\spotless with arguments [-b, spotlessSelf.gradle, spotlessCheck, --stacktrace]

:spotlessFreshmarkCheck FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':spotlessFreshmarkCheck'.
> java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Jonathan\dev\Java\IntelliJ Projects\spotless\plugin-gradle\build\reports

* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':spotlessFreshmarkCheck'.
	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:84)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:55)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute(SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.java:61)
	at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.DaemonStateCoordinator$1.run(DaemonStateCoordinator.java:293)
	at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(ExecutorPolicy.java:54)
	at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.StoppableExecutorImpl$1.run(StoppableExecutorImpl.java:40)
Caused by: java.io.UncheckedIOException: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Jonathan\dev\Java\IntelliJ Projects\spotless\plugin-gradle\build\reports
	at com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.CheckFormatTask.addFileIfNotClean(CheckFormatTask.java:61)
	at com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.CheckFormatTask.lambda$check$0(CheckFormatTask.java:38)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.changedetection.changes.ChangesOnlyIncrementalTaskInputs.doOutOfDate(ChangesOnlyIncrementalTaskInputs.java:46)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.changedetection.changes.StatefulIncrementalTaskInputs.outOfDate(StatefulIncrementalTaskInputs.java:39)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.changedetection.changes.ChangesOnlyIncrementalTaskInputs.outOfDate(ChangesOnlyIncrementalTaskInputs.java:27)
	at com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.CheckFormatTask.check(CheckFormatTask.java:38)
	at org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod.invoke(JavaMethod.java:73)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$IncrementalTaskAction.doExecute(DefaultTaskClassInfoStore.java:163)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.execute(DefaultTaskClassInfoStore.java:134)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.DefaultTaskClassInfoStore$StandardTaskAction.execute(DefaultTaskClassInfoStore.java:123)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeAction(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:95)
	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:76)
	... 71 more
Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\Jonathan\dev\Java\IntelliJ Projects\spotless\plugin-gradle\build\reports
	at com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.isClean(Formatter.java:103)
	at com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.CheckFormatTask.addFileIfNotClean(CheckFormatTask.java:57)
	... 82 more


Total time: 2.188 secs

	at org.gradle.testkit.runner.internal.DefaultGradleRunner$1.execute(DefaultGradleRunner.java:222)
	at org.gradle.testkit.runner.internal.DefaultGradleRunner$1.execute(DefaultGradleRunner.java:219)
	at org.gradle.testkit.runner.internal.DefaultGradleRunner.run(DefaultGradleRunner.java:282)
	at org.gradle.testkit.runner.internal.DefaultGradleRunner.build(DefaultGradleRunner.java:219)
	at com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.SelfTest.runWithTestKit(SelfTest.java:132)
	at com.diffplug.gradle.spotless.SelfTestCheck.main(SelfTestCheck.java:20)
:plugin-gradle:spotlessCheck FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':plugin-gradle:spotlessCheck'.
> Process 'command 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 17.819 secs
Process 'command 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
14:31:03: External task execution finished 'build'.

I've been having this too. The fix is to delete the .gradle directory. Dunno the cause, but self-applying the gradle plugin to its own directory is pretty difficult, and quite janky. Might be possible to fix by making spotlessSelf.gradle more specific.

@nedtwigg Thanks for the advice, deleting .gradle seems to work nicely as a short-term fix.

I've now made the import sorter related classes ready for incremental builds: 5d365b3.

Hmm, having thought about it, I wonder if the reason the build fails at :spotlessFreshmarkCheck on a second run is because it fails to deserialize the Freshmark-related classes that are serialized on the first run...

(By my understanding, the serialized bits are saved in files within .gradle, so it would make sense to me that deleting .gradle would 'fix' the problem, as there would be nothing for Gradle to deserialize.)

If that is the case, it should be fixed since d3994cf on 12/7, because freshMark no longer adds all the project properties.

Hi @nedtwigg, thanks for pointing that out. I've investigated things further, and I now think the exception occurs because it tries to read a file from the plugin-gradle build directory.

I don't know why it throws an exception there, and probably more importantly, it's not clear to me why it's even trying to read from the build directory in the first place, as I implemented a filter at some point which prevents (or, at least should prevent) Spotless from reading a Gradle project's build/ and .gradle/ dirs.

@oehme Do you have any thoughts regarding this?

As far as I can recall your code only excluded the current projects build dir. That doesn't stop it from recursing into subproject folders and reading their build directory.

Thanks @oehme! It looks like running ./gradlew check twice on Spotless no longer causes to an exception to be thrown, so I'd say it's fixed now! (See commit e3ec14f.)