diffix / pg_diffix

Implementation of the Open Diffix anonymization mechanism for PostgreSQL.

Home Page:https://www.open-diffix.org

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Enable more datetime generalization functions

pdobacz opened this issue · comments

Having cast(extract(minute from ts) as integer)) supported, there are the following expressions which we can't bucket by at the moment (coming from from Metabase):

  CAST(last_seen AS date)

day of week:
	CASE WHEN (((CAST(extract(dow from last_seen) AS integer) + 1) + 6) % 7) = 0 THEN 7 ELSE (((CAST(extract(dow from last_seen) AS integer) + 1) + 6) % 7) END

week of year:
	ceil((CAST(extract(doy from CAST(date_trunc('week', last_seen) AS timestamp)) AS integer) / 7.0))