diegojromerolopez / gelidum

Freeze your objects in python

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make available on conda-forge?

johnomotani opened this issue · comments

It would be nice to make gelidum available through conda-forge - I personally prefer to manage the dependencies of my own package with conda, and would like gelidum to be available there so I can use it easily. I'm happy to set up the 'feedstock'. Maintenance after that is usually pretty easy. When a new version appears on PyPi, conda-forge will pick it up and automatically create an update. A line or two might need editing if the dependencies change, but other than that you just need to click 'merge' to release the new version on conda-forge.

@diegojromerolopez would it be OK for me to go ahead and add gelidum to conda-forge?

I haven't used conda-forge, looks interesting.

Sure go ahead and add this package if you like. Thank you.

@johnomotani anything else regarding this issue or it can be closed?

@diegojromerolopez it's done now! gelidum is available through conda-forge 😃

All right, thank you!