didimitrie / SpeckleCommon

Base .NET libs for implementing Speckle Clients (receivers + senders) and Converters

Home Page:https://speckle.works

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Base .NET Speckle Clients + Speckle Converters.

If you are implementing clients yourself, you can reference this from nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Speckle.SpeckleCommon/


This is the base half-virtual class from which you should inherit/override in order to create your own data & geometry converters to speckle objects.

Speckle Client

This is the base library that provides two classes that you should really care about:

Speckle Receiver

Exposes a series of events that get triggered when the sender emits data.


// Events:

// triggered when errors are pooped in the pipes
myReceiver.OnError += OnError;
// triggered when component init is ready
myReceiver.OnReady += OnReady;

// you've got metadata
myReceiver.OnMetadata += OnMetadata;
// you've got both metadata and data
myReceiver.OnData += OnData;
// stream history was updated
myReceiver.OnHistory += OnHistory;
// direct message from another client.
myReceiver.OnMessage += OnVolatileMessage;
// broadcasted message from another client.
myReceiver.OnBroadcast += OnBroadcast;

Speckle Sender

Exposes a series of methods that allow you to send data (metadata + geometry) as well as just metadata (layer names, etc).

mySender = new SpeckleSender(API_URL, API_TOKEN, GEOMETRY_CONVERTER);

// Events: 
mySender.OnError += OnError;
mySender.OnReady += OnReady;
mySender.OnDataSent += OnDataSent;
// direct message from another client.
myReceiver.OnMessage += OnVolatileMessage;
// broadcasted message from another client.
myReceiver.OnBroadcast += OnBroadcast;

// Methods:
// when sending geometry:
mySender.sendDataUpdate(DATA, LAYERS, NAME);
// when sending cosmetic changes:
mySender.sendMetadataUpdate(LAYERS, NAME);

Also exposed is a virtual class Speckle Converter. You need to implement this class if you want to be able to send data back and forth. It translates geometry from application_x format to a speckle intermediary format.


Base .NET libs for implementing Speckle Clients (receivers + senders) and Converters


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%