dicengine / dice

Digital Image Correlation Engine (DICe): a stereo DIC application that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux

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Change working dir without reloading images and settings

hlz-922 opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to change the working directory without losing the current settings, and reload the video etc. ?

I have some settings to try out and it's easier for me to post-process the data in separate folders... But every time I "set working directory", I need to reload everything again...

The version I'm using is 3.0 beta 7. Thanks!

As it stands now, there isn't a way from the GUI to propagate the settings from one working directory to another. You can however manually copy the input files (input.xml, params.xml, and cal.xml if this is for stereo) and manually edit the image folder location which might be a workaround. You could also do something like this in python including running DICe as a batch process from the command line.