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Scrolling is laggy when mouse is hovering over messages, smooth when hovering over blank area

carterprince opened this issue · comments

Title -- this also happens for the channel list. Is there an easy fix for this?

Interesting. Are you scrolling using a touchpad? Do you know if your application is rendering via Cairo (software) or OpenGL (hardware)? You should be able to check that via Ctrl + Shift + I, in the Global menu.

Yes, I am scrolling with a touchpad.

It mainly happens in fullscreen when in a channel with a lot of embeds/images.

Here's a screenshot of the first section under "Global":


Here's a video of this effect:


This kind of effect also occurs in GNOME Files? So maybe it's an upstream issue. Or maybe my computer is just slow.

This kind of effect also occurs in GNOME Files? So maybe it's an upstream issue. Or maybe my computer is just slow.

Hm, that is interesting.
I do not know if it is an upstream issue, but in any case, scrolling like this with mouse hovering should not lag like this, even on relatively under-powered hardware.
If I can get my hands on a slower device than the one I currently use, I will try it, but no guarantees.

If I have to guess, it's the hover background transition. I'll see if I can experiment with it.