dhurley94 / React-Deploy

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React-Deploy Assessment

How To Use This Project

This is a React project, but unlike standard React, that you may get from a create-react-app, we utilize Parcel as our bundler and build framework.

With that, we have a lot of features, most notably fast, and small build size, as well as full control over dependencies.

This project is already setup for you to start using, so long as you follow a few guidelines:

  2. Avoid class components - The Fast Refresh or "Hot Reload" that we all know and love, only works with function based components. You may use arrow functions (const myComponent = () => {}) or functional components (function myComponent() {}). It will also work with Hooks, which is a good note to take.
  3. Export only React Components - If a file exports a mix of React components and other types of values, its state will be reset whenever it changes. To preserve state, only export React components and move other exports to a different file if possible.
  4. Keep entry components in their own files - Entry components should be in a separate file from the one that calls ReactDOM.render or they will be remounted on every change. (See guideline #1)
  5. Type safety will save your life - Perhaps not literally, but in this project we will be strictly enforcing the usage of Typescript. If you are unfamiliar with how to use Typescript see this link
  6. Yarn not NPM - In this template we utilize Yarn as our defacto package manager. If you are not sure what a package manager is, then you should probably do some research into what a package manager is, and what their purpose is.
  7. Styles, Styles, Styles... - We, at RevLogical, utilize TailwindCSS to keep our styling consistent across our applications.

Getting Setup

In order to use this project you will need a few things to get started:

  • Node.js
  • Yarn
  • Git

To run the project you can use yarn start, to start the development server for this project.

To run tests you can use yarn test, In order for a Task to be recognized as complete it should have a corresponding test, that passes with an appropriate description.


We do not expect that you will complete every task defined below. Each task will be defined as a typical user story that you would see at RevLogical. As an applicant, it is just as important that you are able to set up your own development environment, as well as read and understand typical user stories and their requirements, as it is to know how to develop. This "assessment" will test your knowledge and understanding of tools that we use at RevLogical, and how we define user stories.

There will be only two required tasks, and multiple optional tasks. You will have 72 hours, from the point that you receive the email with the link to this repository to complete the required tasks and as many optional tasks as you can manage. We will not fault you, for only being able to complete the required tasks, unless you decide to complete the 2 required tasks within a few hours, and then submit the repo without even attempting the optional tasks.

At the completion of each task you should create a commit with an appropriate commit message.

Required Tasks

  1. Bug COUNT-1; When accessing the website, I am presented with a blank screen.

    As a user of the Revlogical website, I should be presented with a counter app upon arrival at localhost:1234. However, currently, I am instead presented with a blank screen with no indication that the page is even loading.

    • Conditions of Satisfaction
      • When arriving at localhost:1234, the end-user should be presented with a counter app.
      • The counter app should have an increment, decrement, and async buttons.
      • The count should increment, decrement, or increment/decrement asynchronously depending on the button pressed.
      • Once the bug is found, it should be fixed, and a unit test created for it in the appropriate test file.
      • When yarn test is run, we should see a test with the appropriate description for the bug, and that it tests what it should, and passes.
  2. Deploy COUNT-2;

Optional Tasks

For Optional tasks, create a new branch called Optional-Tasks. Like above each task should have its own commit with an appropriate commit message.

  1. Explanation Explain your solution to tasks 1 and 2. You should create a new .md file named OptionalTask1.md that contains the explanation to your solutions. If you would prefer you can just take notes on your own and do this optional task during the follow-up to this assessment.
  2. Style Use tailwind-css to style the app to show off your frontend skills. (Use this to help you get started with tailwind-css)
  3. Logic There is never a single way to do anything in software engineering. Show us your engineering skills by either reorganizing the assessment project to be more "logical" to you. Alternatively, you can create a new branch called Logic where you may recreate the counter app, using the same tooling we have chosen here (Typescript, Parcel, React, Redux, Jest), to show us how you would have done this.
  4. Feature Add a login screen for this simple application that takes in a username and password (use username = Test, password = 123456), that has validation errors, as well as redirects the user to the counter app after successful login. If you decide to complete this task, you must also add all appropriate tests with jest.
  5. Orchestration ??
  6. Deployment ??



Language:TypeScript 93.3%Language:JavaScript 4.5%Language:HTML 1.8%Language:CSS 0.4%