dhruvvyas90 / qemu-rpi-kernel

Qemu kernel for emulating Rpi on QEMU

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to login

floviolleau opened this issue · comments


Thanks for all tools you made for rpi and qemu.

I have an issue.
Once the boot is done, I have the login screen.
If I type the wrong password, it says wrong password.
If I type the correct password, I'm switched to a black screen, and without error, I'm switched back to the login screen.
If I login from the terminal where I launched qemu and I'm able to login and do what I want.

Any ideas ?

My qemu start script:

# buster
wget https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel/raw/master/{$DTB,$KERNEL}
#qemu-img resize $RASP_OS.img +4G

echo "DTB: $DTB"
echo "Kernel: $KERNEL"

qemu-system-arm \
 -M versatilepb \
 -cpu arm1176 \
 -m 256 \
 -drive "file=$RASP_OS.img,if=none,index=0,media=disk,format=raw,id=disk0" \
 -device "virtio-blk-pci,drive=disk0,disable-modern=on,disable-legacy=off" \
 -net nic \
 -net "user,hostfwd=tcp::5022-:22" \
 -dtb $PWD/$DTB \
 -kernel $PWD/$KERNEL \
 -append 'root=/dev/vda2 panic=1' \
 -no-reboot \
 -serial stdio

@floviolleau according to Raspberry pi os Bullseye 64bit no default password, how is it possible to login ?


Thanks for your reply.

I tried both with an image from RPI foundation and a raw .img I made from a cold dd copy of a current running rpi 4.
But in both cases, there is auto-login and it wasn't working

I can retry because I did it long time ago (the issue was created on march).