dhondta / dronesploit

Drone pentesting framework console

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're.Pattern' object is not iterable

amritabithi opened this issue · comments

I first removed the old version and then installed the latest version of dronesploit today using the pip installer ( not building it from source ) and I am seeing an exception in almost all of the commands, which shows the same stack trace ( same place in code is crashing ), I have the stack trace below:

Trying to scan with stop_video module:

dronesploit auxiliary(wifi/find_ssids) > use command/hobbico/flitt/stop_video                                                                 
[!] No Hobbico Flitt target connected yet ; please use the 'scan' and 'connect' commands
dronesploit command(hobbico/flitt/stop_video) > scan wlan0mon                                                                                 
[!] Press Ctrl+C to interrupt
[-] 're.Pattern' object is not iterable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/myuser/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dronesploit/wifi/mixin.py", line 138, in scan
    if self._filter_func(e):
  File "/home/myuser/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dronesploit/wifi/drone.py", line 34, in drone_filter
    for regex in r:
TypeError: 're.Pattern' object is not iterable
dronesploit command(hobbico/flitt/stop_video) > 

Hi @amritabithi
Thank you very much for raising this.
It comes from a regression bug with my latest update. I will fix it ASAP.

Thank you so much for taking the time to update this @dhondta !


@amritabithi It shall be fixed for now ; please pip install --upgrade dronesploit.

Yes I can confirm that it is fixed, and I tested every command at least to starting a scan and they work, thank you !!!

That also fixed a few other bugs that I had written down, and so I think I am down to one bug that I know of with creating projects, I will create a new post for that to keep things organized..