dhoehna / LoYoT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sample Issue

eawhite opened this issue · comments

Description of Issue:
This is a description of what's going on. Keep the description brief and specific

Reproduction steps:

  1. Do this thing
  2. Do this other thing
  3. Do this final thing
  4. The issue happens

Relevant images:

If you are using windows, you can use the snipping tool to easily capture an image. Please use this tool instead of print screen. I mean, you can use print screen, then pain, or some other image manipulation software to crop the photo so we see only the relevant information.

But...you know. You can just use the one step snipping tool.

Umm I'm gonna say that you can take a screenshot in whatever way is easiest to you : P

Yes, you can do that. I have just found the snipping tool to be much easier.

But, my first comment wasn't meant to be derogatory.

oh no worries, I was just trying to poke fun : )