dhelland / aim

Documentation and tools for the AIM API

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Welcome to the AIM API - Alpha!

Alpha Notice

The AIM API is in an "alpha stage" to gather customer feedback. While in alpha, the API may change in backwards incompatible ways to accommodate for fixes and additions. Breaking changes will be communicated to the primary API contact at least 5 business days in advance.

TSG reserves the right to determine what constitutes a breaking changes. A definition of "breaking changes" will be made available before formal release.


API Discovery

In order to reduce client coupling, the AIM API provides an API discovery document available at:

The primary attributes of interest is the urls object, which provides static names to full or partial URLs.


The AIM API leverages Firebase Authentication to securely authenticate services and users. To enable API usage, service accounts are created and used to generate a secret Refresh Token that is given to the primary API contact.

These Refresh Tokens do not expire and can be used to retrieve short lived ID Tokens. ID Tokens are used to directly communicate with the AIM API, which will validate the ID Token.

In short, the authentication flow looks like the following:

  1. Exchange a Refresh Token for an ID Token with Firebase
  2. Use the ID Token with the AIM API
  3. Repeat step 1 as the previous ID Token expires

Authentication Flow

Once acquired, the ID Token must be sent in the Authorization HTTP Header as a Bearer token.

As ID Tokens are short lived, a new one must be fetched before expiration and replaced in requests to the API. ID Tokens are JSON Web Tokens, so any standard JWT libary can be used to decode them and inspect the exp entry for a Unix timestamp after which the token will be rejected by the API. A number of JWT libraries are referenced in the link above.

Obtain an ID Token

In order to obtain an ID Token, use the id_token url from the Discovery document, which allows us to exchange our Refresh Token for a fresh ID Token.

Make a POST request with the following payload, injecting the Refresh Token as specified: {"grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": <API Key>}. Extract the id_token field from the response, which contains the ID Token, which can then be sent to the API.

For example, with curl to make the request and jq to extract the field:

ID_TOKEN_URL="<ID Token Discovery URL>"
API_KEY="<Refresh Token>"
curl -fsSl -XPOST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "{\"grant_type\": \"refresh_token\", \"refresh_token\": \"$API_KEY\"}" \
     "$ID_TOKEN_URL" \
     | jq -r '.id_token'

You now have an ID Token that can be used with the AIM API!

Abuse and Privacy

In order to prevent abuse and data leaks, Refresh Tokens must be stored securely. In particular, avoid unneeded sharing of Refresh Tokens or storing them in source files/source control.

If you suspect your Refresh Token has been compromised, contact mailto:AIM@thestrawgroup.com as soon as possible. If abuse is suspected, TSG may disable Refresh Tokens immediately and follow up with the API contact.

Query API

The Query API is the primary tool provided by the AIM API. It provides powerful data analysis across multiple dimensions of the AIM dataset.

The Query API is comprised of four (4) primary components:

  • aggregation
  • attribute
  • metric
  • normalization

Each component has a discovery endpoint to obtain the available items with full metadata. All query urls are based from the warehouse url in the discovery document:


After acquiring an ID Token, start with a few simple API calls. The calls will use curl for demonstration, but of course, any HTTP client will do. In these examples, BASE_URL is set to . Any query results are for demonstration purposes only and do not represent real values.

# Inspect all attributes. Note the rich metadata describing the data type, filter config and values, among other things. These attributes determine how the data can be filtered and grouped.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \

# Inspect all metrics. Notice that metrics have "availability" metadata describing what attributes and normalizations they support.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \

# Let's run a query to pull out volume data:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
# [
#   {
#     "volume":12864.75939
#   }
# ]

# By default, calculations are "Per Merchant", but another normalization can be selected. Let's try some different metrics with "Per Transaction"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
# [
#   {
#     "volume": 73.43840
#   }
# ]

# In addition to filtering by a specific month, a range can be provided. Once a date range has been specified, it can be "grouped" so the result set contains the average for each month, instead of the average across the months:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
# [
#   {
#     "date": "2018-01-01",
#     "volume": 28352.73849
#   },
#   {
#     "date": "2018-02-01",
#     "volume": 27424.03418
#   },
#   {
#     "date": "2018-03-01",
#     "volume": 38738.38481
#   }
# ]

# Now, let's see the volume for credit and sig debit:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
# [
#  {
#    "card": "credit",
#    "volume": 28327.3061
#  },
#  {
#    "card": "sig_debit",
#    "volume": 1924.48568
#  }

# How about focused on Omaha, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri?
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
# [
#   {
#     "card": "credit",
#     "volume": 23394.83581
#   },
#   {
#     "card": "sig_debit",
#     "volume": 1483.83589
#   }
# ]

# Putting these examples together, one can see metrics per transaction in specific states grouped by card and date.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN" \
# [
#   {
#     "card": "credit",
#     "date": "2018-01-01",
#     "volume": 53.77786
#   },
#   {
#     "card": "sig_debit",
#     "date": "2018-01-01",
#     "volume": 8.38631
#   },
#   {
#     "card": "credit",
#     "date": "2018-02-01",
#     "volume": 68.85441
#   },
#   {
#     "card": "sig_debit",
#     "date": "2018-02-01",
#     "volume": 2.41721
#   },
#   {
#     "card": "credit",
#     "date": "2018-03-01",
#     "volume": 58.09631
#   },
#   {
#     "card": "sig_debit",
#     "date": "2018-03-01",
#     "volume": 5.42187
#   }
# ]


Abstract aggregation operation.



3 Month Moving Average

Periods = 3, Frequency = Month

6 Month Moving Average

Periods = 6, Frequency = Month

12 Month Moving Average

Periods = 12, Frequency = Month

18 Month Moving Average

Periods = 18, Frequency = Month


Attributes provide the ability to filter and slice data.



Card is an attribute of central importance in the AIM system.

There are 5 basic card types:

  • credit
  • signature_debit aka sig_debit
  • pin_debit
  • opt_blue

And 2 non-basic card types:

  • bank_cards (credit + sig_debit)
  • other_cards

The metrics coming from raw processor data which are reported on individual card types may be filtered and grouped by card types and are referred to as "card metrics" as opposed to "non-card metrics".

Average Ticket Tier

A merchant's ticket tier is based on its average number of transactions (or "tickets") over a rolling 12 month period.

Annual Volume Tier

A merchant's volume tier is based on its total volume over a rolling 12 month period.


Geographic region of the transaction.


U.S. State of the transaction


Zip code of the transaction


City of the transaction

Sales Model

Sales model code

Industry Classification Type

Industry Classification Type. Currently this is either MCC or SIC.

Industry Group

Hierarchical grouping of Industries


Industry the merchant belongs to.


A grouping of merchants within an organization.

Data Month

Date is one of the AIM required attributes. Traditionally date has been by month due to month being the frequency of the aim application, though other aggregation levels are possible and may show up in the future. The term era is used to denote a chunk of time. Ex. The month of June, as opposed to June 1.

Standalone Merchants

Binary on if the merchant is part of a chain or not.


Year merchant entered the market


Base metric class.


COS Total Processing Fees

Processing Cost Contains card components only

Total Cost of Sales

Total Cost := Total Cost Card + Total Cost Noncard

Gross Revenue

Gross Revenue := Gross Revenue Card + Gross Revenue Noncard Contains card and noncard components

Gross Processing Revenue

Gross Processing Revenue Contains card components only

Net Revenue

Net Revenue := Net Revenue Card + Net Revenue Noncard Contains card and noncard components

Net Processing Revenue

Net Processing Revenue Contains card components only

COS Association Fees, Assessments, and SWITCH Fees

Association And Switch Fees Cost No card components

COS Association Fees & Assessments

Association Fees Cost


Switch Fees Cost

COS Interchange Fees

Interchange Fees Cost No card components

COS Other Processing Fees

Other Fees Cost No card components

Other COS

Other Cost No card components

Residuals Paid

Residuals Cost No card components

Legacy Account Annual Fees Revenue

Legacy Account Annual Fees Revenue No card components

Monthly Legacy Account Fees

Legacy Account Monthly Fees Revenue No card components

Discount Revenue

Discount Revenue Contains card components only

Equipment & Other Income

Equipment and Other Revenue Contains card components only

Gross Profit

Gross Profit Revenue Contains card components only

Legacy Account Annual and Monthly Fees Revenue

Legacy Account Annual and Monthly Fees Revenue Contains card components only

Other Fee Revenue

Other Fees Revenue No card components

PCI Annual And Monthly Fees Revenue

PCI Annual And Monthly Fees Revenue No card components

Transaction Fee Revenue

Transaction Fees Revenue No card components


Transaction Contains card components only


Volume Contains card components only

Account Attrition

New Accounts Added

Gross Volume Attrition

Change in Retained Account Volume

Volume Net Attrition

New Volume Added

Net Revenue Gross Attrition

Change in Retained Account Net Revenue

Net Revenue Net Attrition

New Net Revenue Added

Average Attrited Account Size

Average Retained Account Size

Average New Account Size

Average Net Revenue BPS on Attrited Accounts

Average Net Revenue BPS on Retained Accounts (Pre Change)

Average Net Revenue BPS on Retained Accounts (Post Change)

Average Net Revenue BPS on New Accounts


Abstract Metric Normalizer.

AIM normalizations are of the form: sum(metric)/sum(normalizing_metric) .

There are three columns used in AIM normalization (with corresponding units):

  • Volume ($)
  • Transactions (-)
  • Active Merchants (-)

Where "-" is a null unit.

Unit Matrix::

===================  ======  ============  ================
Metric / Normalizer  Volume  Transactions  Active Merchants
===================  ======  ============  ================
Transactions           -          -               -
Volume                 -          $               $
All Other Metrics      -          $               $
===================  ======  ============  ================

Per Merchant

Active Merchants In order to be considered active a merchant has to have non-zero Volume and Net Revenue > 0. Unitless due to being a count.

Per Merchant - Attrited

Per Merchant - Retained

Per Merchant - Last Year

Per Merchant - New

Per Transaction

Transactions - Unitless due to being a count.

Per Volume

Volume - Units in dollars.

Per Volume - Attrited

Per Change in Volume - Retained

Per Volume - Last Year

Per Volume - New

Per Net Revenue - Attrited

Per Change in Net Revenue - Retained

Per Net Revenue - Last Year

Per Net Revenue - New

Per Merchant - Retained Account Size

Per Merchant - Retained Account Size Pre-Change

Per Merchant - Retained Account Size Post-Change

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Documentation and tools for the AIM API

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%