dhammon / mvc-framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

(another) PHP MVC Framework

Includes autoloader and routing.

Server Setup

Tested on PHP7 and Apache2

  1. sudo a2enmod rewrite
  2. Configure apache2.conf Needs AllowOverrride All for htaccess rewrite
<Directory /path/to/webroot/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
        Allow from localhost


  1. Request URIs follow this pattern /controller/method/param1/paramN
    1. Configuration
      1. Add new routes in /config/Routes.php
      2. Add new namespaces in /config/Namespaces.php
  2. Interfaces
    1. List of Intefaces in Core (src/)
      1. Controller - instantiates Service and View
      2. Service - instantiates mappers, business logic classes, and entities (returns)
      3. Mapper - uses DBHelper for repository queries
      4. Entity - Getters/Setters store for View
      5. View - uses entities and renders views/templates
  3. Exceptions
    1. Update /public/index.php with new exception classes to catch them
    2. Uncaught excpetions go to Exception|Error handled and logged with error code
  4. Tests
    1. Only test classes under app directory
    2. Unit - where no other resource (class, filesystem, database, etc) is needed for the method being tested
    3. Integration - where other resources are included in the test
    4. Functional - client tests (eg rendered page, api response, etc)

Data Flow

#           ##
#         ##  ##
#       ##      ##
#     ##  Client  ## <-------------------------------------------+
#       ##      ##                                               |
#         ##  ##                                                 |
#           ##                                                   |
#            |                                                   |
#            v                                                   |
#   ##################         ##################         ################
#   #                #         #                #         #              #
#   #   index.php    # ------> #   controller   #-------> #     View     #
#   #                #         #                #         #              #
#   ##################         ##################         ################
#                                 |         ^                    ^
#                                 |         |                    |
#                                 v         |                    v
#                              ##################         +--------------+
#                              #                #         |              |
#                              #   Service      #         |   Templates  |
#                              #                #         |              |
#                              ##################         +--------------+
#                                      ^
#                 +--------------------+--------------------+
#                 v                    v                    v
#   ##################         ##################         ################
#   #                #         #                #         #              #
#   #   Mapper       #         #   BL Classes   #         #     Entity   #
#   #                #         #                #         #              #
#   ##################         ##################         ################
#          ^
#          |
#          v
#      ##########
#      #        #
#      #        #
#      #   DB   #
#      #        #
#      #        #
#      ##########


  1. Inspirations from: https://github.com/andrejrs/php-mvc-example



Language:PHP 100.0%