dhakehurst / net.akehurst.language

Generic Language (DSL) support for kotlin multiplatform (parser, syntax-analyser, formatter, processor, etc)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

upgrading to 4.0.0

ufobat opened this issue · comments

I wanted to upgrad from 3.5.2 to to 4.0.0 by changing the lines in my build.gradle.kts file. I changed the line

    // from
    // implementation("net.akehurst.language:agl-processor:3.5.2")
    // to

And this error happens:

> Error while evaluating property 'filteredArgumentsMap' of task ':compileKotlin'.
   > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
      > Could not find net.akehurst.language:type-model:4.0.0.
        Searched in the following locations:
          - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/net/akehurst/language/type-model/4.0.0/type-model-4.0.0.pom
        Required by:
            project : > net.akehurst.language:agl-processor:4.0.0 > net.akehurst.language:agl-processor-jvm8:4.0.0

what is this type-model: Could not find net.akehurst.language:type-model:4.0.0.

Do i have to add something more? Any advice?

@dhakehurst @ufobat I see the same issue, looks like type-model is not published to maven.

sorry, only just noticed this....original notification of the issue must have got lost.

I will sort it out ASAP,

Something went wrong with the publish process to maven central.
I have tried again with a new release 4.0.1

hope that works ok for you now.
Let me know if not.
Also, there are significant changes in the API between 3 and 4,
just ask if you need help.

some help would really be appreciated. Is there any updated documentation?

i used to do it like that, while Assignment is a Class that my SyntaxAnalyzer yields to me.

val processor = Agl.processor(grammar.readText(), EvalDefinitionSyntaxAnalyser())
val assignment = processor.process<Assignment>(definition)

I assume the new startpoint is something like that:


but where does my SyntaxAnalyzer come in to that code?