dgraph-io / badger

Fast key-value DB in Go.

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[QUESTION]: maybe should pin the memtable and levelcontroller in a seqcst view when call db.get

guoxiangCN opened this issue · comments



current logic of db::get

memtables := []
append(memtables, mutableMemtable);
append(memtables, imuutableMemtable);

for memtable in memtables {
    if memtable.got() 
       return got
// point1: after search memtable
// point2: find in the level sst
for i in 0..7 {

the logic of pin memtable and level-controller was not in an consistent view.
if a flush or compaction finished between point 1 and point2, the sst distrubution and the pinned memtable is not match.