dgknca / tailwindcss-container-query

A plugin that provides CSS Container Queries for tailwindcss.

Home Page:https://dgknca.github.io/tailwindcss-container-query/

Repository from Github https://github.comdgknca/tailwindcss-container-queryRepository from Github https://github.comdgknca/tailwindcss-container-query

Issues on Firefox with production builds

dreamboyx1 opened this issue · comments


I created an issue with container-query-polyfill as well here. It seems when building a production version of a tailwind app, this does not work.

I created a stripped down version here:


I'm that package on.

  • Mac Firefox 106.0.5 (64-bit)
  • MacOS 12.6.1

The main branch just uses container-query-polyfill. The version that uses this package is under branch tailwindcss-container-query.

clone the package then
git checkout tailwindcss-container-query
npm install
npm run prod

This builds a production version of the Create React App app. You can connect to it a http://locations:3000. Just using npm start works as advertised. Seems to me there is likely an optimization or tree shaking issue.

Anywho. Thought you might like to know.