dgknca / tailwindcss-container-query

A plugin that provides CSS Container Queries for tailwindcss.

Home Page:https://dgknca.github.io/tailwindcss-container-query/

Repository from Github https://github.comdgknca/tailwindcss-container-queryRepository from Github https://github.comdgknca/tailwindcss-container-query

Query selecting the default "mobile-view" on react-route navigation.

Enebz opened this issue · comments


I created a repo here where I reproduced the bug.

When you are located in / press the "Go to list" button to see the problem.

On line 6 in pages/Demo.jsx, you can see the various container queries.
grid-cols-3 cq-w-sm:grid-cols-4 cq-w-md:grid-cols-5 cq-w-lg:grid-cols-6 cq-w-xl:grid-cols-7

When navigating (even on a wide screen) the grid appears with three columns, which is for the lowest screen width. When you resize the screen, it goes to the correct column-size and follows expected behaviour.


Never mind! I made a vanilla CSS version and it turns out to be a problem with googlelabs container query polyfill.