dgkf / testex

Add tests and assertions in-line in R package examples

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testex test examples

CRAN R CMD check coverage

Add tests and assertions in-line in examples

Quick Start

Set up your package to use testex using


and then start adding tests!

#' Hello, World!
#' @examples
#' hello("World")
#' @test "Hello, World!"
#' hello("darkness my old friend")
#' @test grepl("darkness", .)
#' @export
hello <- function(who) {
  paste0("Hello, ", who, "!")

If you were already using testthat, you'll immediately see a new test context for testing your examples. And if you aren't using testthat, then you'll find that your tests are being run with your examples when you run R CMD check


testex provides two new roxygen2 tags: @test and @testthat.

  • @test will check that the result of the last example is identical to your test. You can use the example output in a function using a ..
#' @examples
#' sum(1:10)
#' @test 55
#' @test is.numeric(.)
  • @testthat is similar, but has the added benefit of automatically inserting a . into testthat::expect_* functions.
#' @examples
#' sum(1:10)
#' @testthat expect_equal(55)
#' @testthat expect_vector(numeric())


To make the most of testex, there are a few configuration steps you might consider. These are made simple by using:


which will :

  • Add packages = "testex" to the Roxygen field in DESCRIPTION, allowing roxygen2 to make use of the testex tags.
  • Add testex as a Suggests dependency
  • Add settings to the Config/testex/options field in DESCRIPTION, enabling example tests during R CMD check by default.
  • Add a test-testex.R test file if you're using testthat, enabling example tests during testthat test evaluation.

Running tests with testthat

Running tests using testthat is simple. Just use


This will add a simple, one-line file to your tests/testthat directory containing


By adding this single line to a testthat test file (such as tests/testthat/test-testex.R), your example tests will be included as part of your test suite.

When run this way, testex tests are embedded with additional metadata including the original file location of the examples so that testthat is able to provide more informative error messages.

Disabling example checks during R CMD check

By default, your tests will run when your run examples using R CMD check. However, R CMD check will stop on the first error and truncates error output, which can be inconvenient for debugging. If you'd prefer not to run tests during checking, you can add the following line to your DESCRIPTION.

Config/testex/options: list(check = FALSE)


R offers some pretty outstanding tools for presenting example code alongside a package. testex aims to make it a bit more powerful by giving you a convenient shorthand for writing tests and easier ability to customize how they are executed.

  • Example tests that integrate nicely with popular tools. For those that like to write Rd files by hand and those that like to generate documentation via roxygen2.

  • Choose where and how your examples are tested - whether you prefer to test through R CMD check or other mechanisms.

Use Cases

Since R packages may mix and match tools (roxygen2, testthat, etc.) to suit their development needs, a mechanism of testing examples should also be flexible enough to accommodate any development style. Priority workflows include

  • Handwritten Rd documentation
    Probably the least common use-case, but a priority none-the-less since it stress tests the goal of delivering a workflow-agnostic testing pattern.

  • roxygen2-generated Rd documentation
    It's hard to find a recent package that doesn't use roxygen2 for generating documentation. As such, any tools should integrate nicely.

  • testthat testing
    Choose whether you want to treat example tests as tests during R CMD checks of examples or during your additional testing steps. Use testthat to execute example tests and integrate the results with your test suite.

All paths lead back to Rd files as a common ground. Whatever tool you prefer to use, using this central format as the basis for testing means that testex can accommodate your workflow.

Under the hood

Before we jump into what testex offers, let's take a look at the underlying tools that it builds on top of.

Base building-blocks

If you'd like to add testing code to examples in your documentation, you can use the \testonly block to add code which only executes when testing examples. Pretty neat!

identity("hello, world")
  stopifnot(.Last.value == "hello, world")

Here we use .Last.value to grab the result of our last example and test it against an expected value. Though, as you might expect, you can't easily add another test because .Last.value will have changed. This is where testex comes in to help simplify things.

identity("hello, world")
  . == "hello, world")

Already testex is doing a bit of work to make our lives easier. The .Last.value is propagated to each of the tests and we can use the convenient shorthand . to refer to the value we want to test.

Use a roxygen2 tag!

If you're already using roxygen2, then things get even easier! roxygen2 can make use of new tags provided by testex:

#' Hello, World!
#' @examples
#' hello("World")
#' @test "Hello, World!"
#' hello("darkness my old friend")
#' @test grepl("darkness", .)
#' @export
hello <- function(who) {
  paste0("Hello, ", who, "!")

After running roxygen2::roxygenize(), you can take a peak at the Rd files and see how the code has been translated to testex tests.

Leverage testthat expectations

A convenience tag is also provide for those that prefer the testthat style of testing. testthat provides a wealth of expectation functions, which can be used in conjunction with testex to write more familiar tests.

#' Hello, World!
#' @examples
#' hello("World")
#' @testthat expect_equal("Hello, World!")
#' hello("testthat my old friend")
#' @testthat expect_match("testthat")
#' @export
hello <- function(who) {
  paste0("Hello, ", who, "!")

The @testthat tag will automatically insert the .Last.value from the previous example into the first argument of each expectation. Multiple consecutive @testthat expectations will all test the previous example output.

Planned Features

Example result propagation using testex::testex() ☑️
DESCRPTION Config/testex/options to disable execution during R CMD check ☑️
roxygen2 tag @test ☑️
roxygen2 tag @testthat ☑️
Aggregation with testthat test results ☑️
Add stable Rd-file API* 💭
Other ideas? Request a feature! 💭
Have a better name for the package? I'm all ears! 👂

Prior Art

I stumbled across the awesome roxytest package when searching around for a solution like this. That package takes a bit of a different approach, embedding test writing alongside examples. The test tags that are offered in that package are used to generate tinytest and testthat tests from in-line tests but otherwise tests are effectively independent from the code that goes on to live in an example.

For me, this didn't quite solve the problem of ensuring that package examples continue to function as expected. I wanted to explore whether the code in the examples could be tested directly with more extensive integration with the existing examples tools to decouple the testing from roxygen2 (or any testing suite) specifically.


Add tests and assertions in-line in R package examples




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