dgiagio / warp

Create self-contained single binary applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Java only includes linux architecture in readme?

Zethson opened this issue · comments

Dear developers,

great tool! Your README only includes linux as the target architecture in the Java section. Is there any reason for that?

Hi @Zethson,

great tool! Your README only includes linux as the target architecture in the Java section. Is there any reason for that?

I don't think so, I just built self-contained Java applications for Linux as well as for Windows. You can adjust the Script used for the Node.js example (it's for Windows), in the end mine looked as follows:

Content of launcher.cmd

SET "JAVA_EXE=%~dp0\jre\bin\java.exe"
SET "APP_JAR=%~dp0\application.jar"

Having the Windows JRE in place, creating an executable for Windows is as easy as this:

./warp-packer --arch windows-x64 --input_dir  "./bundle" --exec launcher.cmd --output application.exe

Thanks a lot to the developers, I have been looking for a tool exactly like Warp for quite some time now and was happy to find Warp!