dgavey / ember-content-editable

A contenteditable component for ember-cli that just works™

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Ember cli content-editable component, with placeholder and value binding. Use it just like an input or textarea, but it will autoresize for you. It also works in almost all browsers.


ember install ember-content-editable


As this addon has recently changed ownership, this section gives a rough overview over the latest releases and plans for the future.

0.10.0: last release by AddJAm

0.11.x: updates dependencies and keeps the previous implementation wherever possible

1.0.0: will be an upcoming release, which makes use of the updated ember component api. Any features deprecated in 0.11.x or earlier will be removed. Please contribute to the 1.0.0-rewrite branch. Release date is not set yet.


Use it just like input or textarea.

{{content-editable value=name
                   placeholder="Your name"

You can also pass in an extra CSS class if required, and of course specify the tag.

{{content-editable value=name
                   placeholder="Your name"


Option Name Description Default
value The value to be edited ""
placeholder Placeholder displayed when value is blank ""
stringInterpolator Function which processes / intercepts any updated value. Takes a string and returns the string to be used instead. none
class String with any extra css class none
type number, text, or html. text strips out any html tags, html doesn't. html
spellcheck Uses browsers spellcheck, same as with <input> none
readonly If true, element can't be edited but is focusable false
disabled If true, element can't be edited, focused or tabbed to false
maxlength Maximum length of the input, in characters none
allowNewlines If false, linebreaks can't be entered true
autofocus If true, the element will be focused once inserted into the document false
clearPlaceholderOnFocus If true, the placeholder will be cleared as soon as the element gains focus (even if no content is present yet) false
isText Deprecation

isText has been deprecated. You should replace isText=true with type="text", and isText=false with type="html".

editable Deprecation

editable has been deprecated in favour of disabled to be more consistent with standard input tags.


You can provide actions to handle the following list of events. Arguments passed to your action are consistent with Ember implementations in places like the {{input}} helper. value is the current value of the content-editable field, component is the component instance itself, and event is the corresponding raw event object.

Event Name Arguments
key-up value, event
key-down value, event
key-press component, event
escape-press component, event
enter component, event
insert-newline component, event
focus-in component, event
focus-out component, event
mouse-enter component, event
mouse-leave component, event

For example:

{{content-editable value=name
                   placeholder="Your name"

Customizing Placeholder Color

.ember-content-editable:empty {
  color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);

Common Problems

These are some solutions to common problems browsers have with contenteditable elements.

Filtering Input

If you want to filter the input, you can achieve this using the key-press event.

The following example filters the input to only allow numerical values.

{{content-editable value=age key-press=filter}}
  filter(currentValue, event) {
    const keyCode = event.which;
    if (keyCode <= 48 || keyCode >= 58) {

Extra Tags

Some browsers have a bug where extra tags including <div>s get inserted into contenteditable fields, usually when newlines are entered.

  1. If you don't care about any tags, use type="text" to strip all of them.
  2. If you do care about tags, either use display: inline-block on the content-editable component (simplest solution) or pass a function as stringInterpolator=myInterpolator to remove extra text.
myInterpolator(inputString) {
  /* Remove extra tags */
  return stringWithNoDivs;

Tab Index

The tabindex attribute is bound to the element in the DOM, but only certain tags support it.

The following elements support the tabindex attribute: A, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA.

So to use tabindex, you'll also need to set tagName to one of those.

Newlines aren't showing

Try using whitespace: pre-line; or whitespace: pre-wrap; in your CSS.

I can't blur the element

A solution to this is to call window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() after you call blur() on the element.

For example, if you have enter='endEditing' on your content-editable, the following action would prevent the newline and blur the element.

endEditing(contentEditable, event) {

Cursor appears too big when element is empty

Setting display: block; in CSS seems to solve this.


AddJAm has done a great job writing and maintaining this addon for a long time. Thanks guys.


The current maintainer (st-h) tries to do his best to maintain this addon in the ember communities interest by keeping dependencies up to date and keeping current features working.

If you want to report a bug, please open a new issue. Any bugs that are not totally obvious should include a way to reproduce the issue (like ember-twiddle) or a failing test. Or even better, provide a PR which tests and fixes the issue.

In case you find there is a feature missing, please provide a PR with corresponding test coverage. Please keep in mind to keep addons lightweight. If in doubt, open an issue first and see what others think about it.

If you want to help in taking care of this addon, just let us know.


A contenteditable component for ember-cli that just works™

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 91.1%Language:HTML 7.5%Language:CSS 1.4%