dfunckt / django-rules

Awesome Django authorization, without the database

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Consider joining project to jazzband

bpereto opened this issue · comments


Are you open for more contributiors?
might join jazzband

Just came in the issues tab to suggest that django-packages is not aware that this project supports python3 neither its development status.

Reading this invitation, I got happier.

We @zostera appreciate all the hard work by @dfunckt. We are actively using this package in several projects and would be interested in helping out. Handing the project over to jazzband.co might also be an interesting opportunity.

Hello @bpereto, I'm happy to accept contributions but I do not consider joining an organisation relevant. I really appreciate your offer and work at Jazzband but I have to unfortunately decline.

@raratiru the project you linked is not correct -- for some mysterious reason, the URL for rules in django-packages is https://djangopackages.org/packages/p/admin/ (note the slug "admin" :/)

@raratiru django-packages refers to https://github.com/maraujop/django-rules (last update 8 years ago)

@dfunckt @dyve OK, got it, the name in packages is rules (as in pip install) not django-rules and it has the slug admin.

No matter what, this app rocks. Thank you!