dfunckt / django-rules

Awesome Django authorization, without the database

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Passing the view's request or extra arguments to a predicate.

suspiciousRaccoon opened this issue · comments

I've looked a bit at the source code and predicates don't seem to support this.

In my use case I need to query the database to see if the user has permissions to do something in a Role table, but a user may have multiple, differing roles. I can handle this in delete / update / view permissions by modifying the get_queryset()method and thus the self.get_object() method and adding additional filtering from the request there, but I am not able to do this for CreateViews since PermissionRequiredMixin returns None when it is a CreateView.

A solution for this is using django's UserPassesTestMixin, but at that point it doesn't make much sense to use django-rules.

It would be great to have the option of passing additional arguments or the view to predicates.

For comparison, django-rest passes both the view and the request to the method that handles the checking:

from rest_framework import permissions

class BlocklistPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
    Global permission check for blocked IPs.

    def has_permission(self, request, view):
        ip_addr = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
        blocked = Blocklist.objects.filter(ip_addr=ip_addr).exists()
        return not blocked