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[Question] Dedicated postgresql instance

abacao opened this issue · comments

Hello team,

I wasn't able to find documentation that allows having a dedicated postgresql server instead of using a docker database container.

Is it possible? Where can I find that information/guideline?



You can use your own database, you just need to set the .env to point to your Postgres server instead of the "db". You can then remove the postgresql entries in docker compose.

I cannot find in PR/issues why you switched back to PostgreSQL 12 from PostgreSQL 16 in commit cbc3f75.
According to Versioning Policy PostgreSQL is EOL on November 14 2024.
We want to run a dedicated PostgreSQL, but going with 12 as used in the Dockerfile would mean we'd have to upgrade in the next 6 months


We switched back because upgrading from 12 to 16 implies a bit more hands-on to upgrade for users with an already running version of IRIS. So we should spend more time on the upgrade process, thus the switch back to PG 12.

But if you are not already using IRIS and want to have a dedicated PostgreSQL without the docker then you can already use v16.