dfir-iris / iris-web

Collaborative Incident Response platform

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[BUG] Wrong Task Link in user Dashboard - HTTP error 400

StaSys846 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Click on User Task link in Dashboard shows HTTP error 400 and does not open the intended task.
Error is related to a wrong href concatenation in app/static/assets/js/iris/dashboard.js
see additional context for details.

IRIS v2.4.4

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Dashboard'
  2. Click on task link in "Attributed open tasks" table
  3. Receive Error

Expected behavior
Click on link should open task in WebUI

Wrong character in href link:

Error Message:
wrong link creation:

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • independent

Additional context
app/static/assets/js/iris/dashboard.js original Line 352:

a_anchor.attr('href', `case/tasks?cid=${row['case_id']}'&shared=${row['task_id']}`);

should be change to:

a_anchor.attr('href', `case/tasks?cid=${row['case_id']}&shared=${row['task_id']}`);

Note the deleted ' between } and &!