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Expression transformation package

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Problem in Julia nightly

lbenet opened this issue · comments

Today I noticed that some tests are failing in TaylorIntegration.jl with Julia nightly (Julia 1.5.0-DEV), which seem related to Espresso.jl. The travis log with the "illegal instruction" can be found here. I think the problem may be related to ExGraph, or perhaps sanitize, but I am not quite sure.

Do you have any idea what can be the reason of the problem?

cc @PerezHz

Indeed, here's MWE:

using Espresso

Diving deeper, the issue is due to invocation of get_caller_module() (commenting it out fixes the error). This function deals with Julia's internals, so I'm not surprised it fails on a new and unstable version of the language. However, when I call get_caller_module() directly from the REPL it works fine, so debugging the issue isn't trivial.

Do you aim to support nightly builds in TaylorIntegration.jl or are you just worried about future versions? If later, I suggest to wait a little bit and see if it's resolved or at least a more meaningful error message is available.

Thanks for looking into this. No, we do not aim at supporting Julia nightly builds, so we allow failures on them, but we do make tests to be able to adapt to the changes. As far as I could check, Julia 1.4.0-rc2 works fine.