dfdx / Espresso.jl

Expression transformation package

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matchex cannot match subexpression

dyc-emet opened this issue · comments

When I tried to use matchex like the following:

matchex(:(_A - _B), :(a * (x - y)))

It just give Nullable{Dict{Symbol, Any}}() instead of _A => x, _B => y

Any suggestions?

matchex tries to match expressions exactly, you are probably more interested in findex:

julia> M = findex(:(_A - _B), :(a * (x - y)))
1-element Array{Any,1}:
 :(x - y)

If you need to get exactly mapping _A => x, _B => y, you can additionally use matchex on each element of the returned array:

julia> matchex(:(_A - _B), M[1])
Nullable{Dict{Symbol,Any}}(Dict{Symbol,Any}(Pair{Symbol,Any}(:_A, :x),Pair{Symbol,Any}(:_B, :y)))

Thanks! That saves me! :)