DevSinghSachan / CompressionAlgorithms

Postings list compression class exercise for CS276

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CS276 inverted index compression exercises

Think about the Spotlight index on your Mac (or the equivalent): You want it small, and mainly on-disk, but fast. Small means not only that it uses less of your hard disk, but it is quicker to load a small postings list from disk and this gives you speed. On my Mac, it takes about 10GB to index the ~480GB of content on my Mac, in a positional index. (Note: Okay, I do have some music and similar stuff on my Mac, but I also have a ton of text corpora, tweet collections, etc., all indexed.)

Google has a lot of disk space, but Google still does index compression! Why?

Jeff Dean will probably mention this in his talk on May 19. When Google was starting off they really worked hard on compressing their index, because they couldn't afford not to! For reasons of money, time, and lead time, they could only keep up with their huge rate of growth by getting better and better at compressing their index. Today, things are a bit different, but the web is very big. The resulting enormous savings in the number of machines needed for index serving totally justify compressing the index. Moreover, it lets Google answer your queries more quickly, even when the index is in memory. With modern computers, the CPU and cache are so much faster than main memory (which is so much faster than disk) that you get more speed by using a compressed index, even though you have to do work decompressing it each time you search. And you can serve the index from less machines which reduces network latencies. Touching less memory/disk/machines is a big deal!

There are two basic families of compression methods:

  1. "Traditional" methods focused on bit-level representation and coding: Huffman, Golumb, Gamma, Delta, Rice, ....
  2. "Byte aligned" or "word aligned" encodings, where roughly there are stretches of bits that you can use directly as numbers, and you mainly access them by masking and shifting.

The latter have wiped out the former. They are a little less compact, but they are way faster to decode. (And, besides, the latter make your brain hurt less.)

In index compression, there are two concerns:

  1. size
  2. speed

To some extent, improving size improves speed (less stuff to stream from disk/memory). But you can overdo it: A simple byte aligned code gains more in decoding speed than it loses in non-optimal compression. Today in class, we'll only look at size not speed though.

Clone this repository for today's exercise. To get the code here in Eclipse, do File|Import choose Git|Projects from Git, press Next, Clone URI then Next, then enter the HTTPS URI on this page, and Next, Next, Next, go with Import existing projects, Next and Finish – and you should be all ready to go! (The code uses the Java 7 diamond operator – if you last used Java in CS106A, then you do need to update to a more modern version of Eclipse. Make sure your Java language level is set to Java 7 or Java 8.)

1. Look at the example code ( Towards the bottom of the file, it contains selected postings lists taken from the PA1 data. Suppose we use lists of integers for a postings list.

  • How big will the postings list for linguistics be?
  • How big will the postings list for the be?

Suppose we use a bitmap for whether a word is in a document (that is, bit i is 1 iff the document contains word i in the Dictionary).

  • How big will the postings list for the be?
  • How big will the postings list for linguistics be?

How many times more or less efficient is one encoding for a word of a certain frequency? What we want is an encoding method that can make postings lists of terms of different frequencies all small.

Code walkthrough:

  • The main method at the end runs unit tests and benchmark tests which measure size and correctness for the postings lists from PA1.
  • Feel free to add more if/thens if you want to try other encodings
  • For any compression scheme, in the middle you should have a count of bytes, such as by putting everything in a ByteArrayOutputStream or a byte[]. These are real bytes that we can count for postings list size!
  • What's currently there is just a null encoder that takes docIDs as int's and writes bytes.

There are two initial things to do, and then some more if you have time.

2. Write the two routines (near the top of the file) to change a postings list of docIDs to a postings list of gaps and back: gapEncode and gapDecode. (See IIR Section 5.3.)

3. Variable byte encoding. This is part of the assignment PA1, but we can get started in class! Write the two routines (near the top of the file) to encode an int as a variable-byte code and to decode it: VBEncodeInteger and VBDecodeInteger. (See IIR Section 5.3.1.)

4. Does Variable byte encoding work well for encoding the postings list for the? Why or why not? Is just looking at the totals in this example representative or not of what you'd expect with a bigger dictionary of terms? Why or why not?

5. It'd then be great for you to try to complete another compression scheme. Here's some things that you could try. It'd be good to have people do some different things.

  1. Unary code seems really crazy. No one suggests using just a unary code. But it might work okay here. Try it. (IIR Section 5.3.2.) Fill in the routines unaryEncodeInteger and unaryDecodeInteger. You will almost certainly want to know about the Java BitSet class for this.

  2. With more work, you can implement gamma codes. It requires more bit fiddling with BitSet. Fill in the routines gammaEncodeInteger and gammaDecodeInteger.

  3. If you know some other compression scheme from somewhere else like Huffman or Golumb codes, you could try it. (See Wikipedia or the links on the CS276 webpage.)

  4. Modern work has tended to move beyond byte-aligned encodings to word-aligned encodings, where you can encode several gaps in one word, for greater compression. Try to implement something like Simple 9 compression, explained below. (This is a bit more complex, since you have to encode several gaps at once, not just one.)


“Simple-9” is a 32-bit word-aligned encoding scheme, which packs as many gaps as possible into a 32-bit word by allocating an equal number of bits to each, and encoding a gap g as (g – 1) in binary. The first 4 bits of a 32-bit word are used as a selector to indicate how many gaps are being encoded in a word, as per the table below, and the other 28 bits are used to represent the gap values. Assume that the collection being indexed is less than 200 million documents, and so a gap can always be encoded in a single word.

For instance, the postings list: 16384 16400

would be encoded in one 32-bit word as: 0111 01111111111111 00000000001111

since the first two gaps are each less than 2^14 which can be decoded together in one word. We might represent more compactly by using [ ] to delineate words, and a comma to delineate individual numbers, written in decimal but to be encoded in binary, as: [7,16383,15]

Table: Simple-9 encoding options

Selector (4 bits) Number of coded gaps stored in a word Length of each code in bits Left over wasted bits
0000 28 1 0
0001 14 2 0
0010 9 3 1
0011 7 4 0
0100 5 5 3
0101 4 7 0
0110 3 9 1
0111 2 14 0
1000 1 28 0


Postings list compression class exercise for CS276


Language:Java 100.0%