rakibhasansohag / react-book-now

Home Page:https://react-book-now.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Technologies and Libraries

This document outlines the key technologies and libraries that is used in our project. It provides an overview of the tools chosen for routing, styling, state management, form handling, and other utilities.


  • React Router: The standard library for handling routing in React Single Page Applications (SPAs).


  • Styled-components and css: A popular way of writing component-scoped CSS right inside JavaScript.

UI State Management

  • Context API: For managing simple application-wide UI state without the need for Redux.

Remote State Management

  • React Query v4: The best way of managing remote state with features like caching, automatic re-fetching, pre-fetching, and offline support. (You may consider alternatives like SWR or RTK Query)

Form Management

  • react-hook-form: For handling and simplifying the management of complex forms within the application.

Other Tools

  • React Icons: A library for incorporating SVG icons into the React application.

  • React Hot Toast: A notification library for displaying toasts and alerts.

  • Recharts: A charting library for creating charts and graphs within the application.

  • date-fns: A JavaScript library for managing date and time, commonly used for date manipulation and formatting.

  • Supabase: A real-time, open-source alternative to Firebase, providing features for building a backend for the application.

This list of technologies and libraries has been carefully chosen to meet the requirements of our project and provide an efficient and maintainable development environment.




Language:JavaScript 99.6%Language:HTML 0.4%