deviceplug / btleplug

Rust Cross-Platform Host-Side Bluetooth LE Access Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

State of Maintenance

newcomertv opened this issue · comments

First things first. Thanks for the effort put into this library.
FOSS is mostly driven by volunteer work and this repository is no different.

It appears to be a promising cross-platform solution that would bring the embedded world one step closer to sharing application code with the app side.

I'd like to inquire about the current state of Maintenance of this lib?

Looking at the version/commit history it appears the library is feature complete.
Exception : A web API PR exists which has seemingly been abandoned (apparent reason: no tokio in wasm)

Various issues appear to regularly get solved but never closed.
This is worrying as they almost exclusively have a bug label.

Can this library be considered reliable and maintained (production ready) or would consuming this library imply having to perpetually maintain a dependency?


This is an open source library and therefore comes with the normal trappings of open source.

If you are interested in a production ready system with ongoing support, I am happy to discuss licensing and contract terms.

Thanks for the reply.

I know it's BSD3 which explicitly comes without warranty and as all FOSS projects is at risk of being abandoned or disappearing the next day.

Good to know you would offer some kind of commercial contract if need be.

I just stumbled upon the library after hearing our app guys having to write native BLE bindings for [insert deprecated mobile framework] for a new client.
On the embedded side I'm always looking for an excuse why we should use Rust. :)
For the current project that suggestion would be unreasonable but you never know in the future.

I just wanted to do some due diligence before suggesting taking a look if such a subject comes up again and we have the freedom to choose the technology.


I use this library bound to flutter to ship an app with 20k+ installs across desktop and mobile (almost a 50/50 split at this point). Mobile has issues but it generally works.

There's been discussions about a react native binding but I'm not sure if that's gone anywhere yet.