deviceplug / btleplug

Rust Cross-Platform Host-Side Bluetooth LE Access Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


hansmbakker opened this issue · comments

This is not a feature request, but I came across and thought you might find it interesting. You might already know this library or see no use for it - feel free to close this issue.

It is described as the official Bluez Rust library. I don't know its maturity compared to the bluez-async crate that btleplug is using - at least when looking at its github stars BlueR seems to be more popular.

Yes, bluer is more recent than bluez-async, it didn't exist when I wrote bluez-async or used it for btleplug. bluer does have several features which bluez-async doesn't, such as Bluetooth Classic and publishing GATT services, but btleplug doesn't have any plan to support these features so it doesn't make much difference to us. I haven't looked at bluer in very much depth, but from what I remember their approach to event streams is a bit different and would be a bit more work to fit into btleplug's model. I don't have the time or motivation to investigate further, as bluez-async works pretty well, but if you want to try prototyping how it would look to use bluer instead then you could do.


Gonna close this as I've added Bluer to our README in case people want alternatives.