deviceplug / btleplug

Rust Cross-Platform Host-Side Bluetooth LE Access Library

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Stuff printed to terminal

flaviut opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Sometimes I see things like starting discovery failed DbusError(D-Bus error: Operation already in progress (org.bluez.Error.InProgress)) printed to the terminal.

This text isn't coming from my code, and I don't have logging enabled for btleplug.

Expected behavior

I expect nothing to be printed to the terminal unless logging is enabled using an environment variable.

Actual behavior

Things are printed to the terminal with logging disabled.

Additional context

Not really a big deal, but a bit annoying.

It turned out bluez-async had a println! rather than a log::error! so I've fixed that, but actually btleplug shouldn't have been calling start_discovery_with_filter without specifying an adapter so I'll fix that too.

That's a fun bug.

Thanks for working on this, I've found BLE to be a massive pain, but it's tolerable with this library :)