deviceplug / btleplug

Rust Cross-Platform Host-Side Bluetooth LE Access Library

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bluetooth discovery doesn't work on macOS Monterey

gbaranski opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Bluetooth discovery doesn't work on MacOS Monterey

Expected behavior
Scanning does discover devices.

Actual behavior
Scanning doesn't discover any devices.

Additional context
Running on macOS Monterey. Tested using few terminal emulators, permissions are granted. It works on macOS Big Sur. Probably related to hbldh/bleak#635 and

I've confirmed this is still an issue in MacOS 12.1. I tried to pass a UUID to ScanFilter similar to what was outlined here: hbldh/bleak@5e1a9b3 with something like

let scan_filter = ScanFilter{services: vec!(uuid_from_u16(0xFDCE))};

Of course I could have done that way wrong as this is my first time doing anything with bluetooth in my life, but decided to add this here in case someone stumbles upon a working solution using ScanFilter or this is useful in some way.


afaik we don't actually use the scanfilter for anything but WebBluetooth right now. We'll need to add it to macOS support I think.

FYI, based on hbldh/bleak#720 (comment)

I gave it a try by creating a signing certificate via key chain / create self-signed code signing cert


codesign -f -o runtime --timestamp -s "Signing Certificate Name"

And then it works fine!

This seems to work again in macOS Monterey 12.3.


This works fine on Monterey and is being distributed as part of programs now, closing.