deviceplug / btleplug

Rust Cross-Platform Host-Side Bluetooth LE Access Library

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Remove DeviceLost event, change macOS to emit DeviceDisconnected

qdot opened this issue · comments


Feature Description

DeviceLost is currently only fired by macOS. BlueZ had it but lost it after @NZSmartie's patches got written over, and I'm not sure if it's even a thing on Windows so we might have to do our own timing there to emulate it.

It looks like the MacOS implementation is firing DeviceLost in response to on_peripheral_disconnect, which should be DeviceDisconnected. What is DeviceLost supposed to mean, actually?


Oh. Well. That's a completely different bug then heh.

I just went back and looked at rumble, and they never implemented DeviceLost, just had it in their enum, with no explanation. So, gonna change this bug to "Remove DeviceLost and change macOS to DeviceDisconnected"

Fixed in dev.