deviceplug / btleplug

Rust Cross-Platform Host-Side Bluetooth LE Access Library

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`api::PeripheralProperties::local_name` is always `None` in macOS

hideakitai opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

There are two problems in this issue:

  1. CoreBluetooth does not have the local_name data in the first discovery

This may be the problem of CoreBluetooth API, but there is no local_name data (NULL) inside of peripheral here:

held_peripheral = StrongPtr::retain(peripheral);

But we can find the valid name if the advertisement data has it, after the first one.

  1. Peripheral data is not updated after the first discovery

This may be related to #117. local_name can be found after the first discovery, but it's not reflected PeripheralProperties stored inside of the Peripheral struct.

So, stored PeripheralProperties inside of Peripheral struct is remained as the state of the first discovery: i.e. local_name is None.

Expected behavior

We can get local_name if the advertisement data has it.

Actual behavior

local_name is None even if its advertizement data has local_name.


You might want to check out the dev branch (or possibly dev-updates, we're running a bit behind on getting everything merged right now), as we've got some pretty massive changes coming in soon (basically an overhaul of the API to move to async) and some of these things may be fixed there.


Thanks for the patches!

I'm bringing this and your other PR into master and cutting 0.7.3, after which I'll be bringing in the dev branch and starting the 0.8.x series. This is going to be a bumpy ride though, so I expect some people may stick to 0.7.x while we make sure 0.8.x works, which is why I wanna get this patches in.

Also wow Rhizomatiks! Love y'alls work, I was at the Elevenplay show in SF pre-COVID. :D

Thanks for the great crate. I'm still getting used to Rust (and async), so I was hoping to get 0.7.x working first, but of course I want to benefit from async, so I'll try the dev branch later :)
I'm really looking forward to the 0.8.x series!

Wow, thanks for coming to the show! I wasn't at the show in SF, but I'm sure the devices and systems were working fine. I hope we'll be able to tour around the world again soon.