devfleet / awesome-eve

A list of 3rd party Applications and Tools for the awesome Eve Online MMO.

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Should we require use of Eve's SSO where login is required to use the tool?

cvweiss opened this issue · comments

This is merely here to prompt discussion and seek feedback. If one of the tools listed here require a login, should we require that the tool uses Eve Online's SSO? Some tools use default login/password, which could be considered a security risk.

Of course, not all tools will require a login.

if they don't, perhaps flag as a security risk.

I don't believe that because an app use its own "login/password" that it's always a security risk (it might, for sure, but that's not 100% of them hopefully).

What could also be nice would be 2 "tags" (or whatever you want):

  • EVE SSO Login
  • Custom Login

This, to make the differences between both login systems, so people will know where they'll use their EVE Online login, and where they'll use a "custom" account they create, and thus making their own conclusion and choices about what they want / don't want to use.

Thank you both. I really like the flags idea. Allows us to keep our options open and yet distinguish the tools.

Closing issue, with XML going away eventually it won't really matter. Apps will adapt or be forgotten :)