developersu / ns-usbloader

Awoo Installer and GoldLeaf uploader of the NSPs (and other files), RCM payload injector, application for split/merge files.

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Replace the udev rule [GROUP="plugdev"] with [TAG+="uaccess"]

daniarla opened this issue · comments

The first time that I used the package from the AUR I had a lot of problems uploading files through usb, I had no access.
I tried to configure the udev rules to allow the usb access like the warning shows:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3000", GROUP="plugdev"

But still didn't work. After searching for a bit I learned that in Arch Linux the group plugdev does not exist. (See:

So the fix was to replace it with TAG+="uaccess" (See:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="057e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3000", TAG+="uaccess"

And it works perfectly! I don't know if it works with other distros but at least is the right one to use in Arch.

Could you add a warning to clarify that that udev rule does not work in all distros and maybe has to be changed?

Well, there is a note about this..

Please note: you may have to change 'plugdev' group from example above to the different one. It depends on you linux distro.

But yeah, sure. Will note this for Arch users. Thank you!

I had not seen that before, my bad. Glad to help!

There is a more elegant way to solve this for all distros just by using MODE like this:

 # cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-NSRCM.rules 
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0955", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7321", MODE="0666"

So it's a great catch anyway! Thank you for reporting!

Like before, I didn't read carefully and use the same udev rule from NSRCM in NS and got an error. Fixed now. Sorry for reopening this!