devbisme / KiField

Edit/insert/delete part fields in KiCad schematics or libraries using a spreadsheet.

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example needed, how making fields visible or invisible

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After running
kifield -x schematicfile.sch -i schematicfile.csv

I added [I] to the header to make the refs invisible.


But after
kifield -x schematicfile.csv -i schematicfile.sch the refs are visible in the schematic and the PCB board also.

Can someone give a working example how to make all refs invisible on a PCB board?

Does it say somewhere that adding [I] will make it invisible?

Check kifield -h:

Ah just found it. Didn't know about that. But I think that only makes it "invisible" in the schematic, i.e. it's still there but you can't see it when looking at the schematic.

--fields option above should do what you want.

Can you give a try and give a working command example how to do this?
Can you create a small schematic with a few elements and PCB, and try to make all Refs invisible on schematic and on the PCB also.

Sorry, don't have time for that right now. If you can make the example I can try and confirm the issue at least.

EDIT: Maybe try a space after the [I]?

Maybe try a space after the [I]?

Did not help. Any new idea?

I without the square brackets?

KiField doesn't process any changes to part references so their visibility/invisibility can't be changed. Immutability of part references was baked into KiField from the start, so getting it to change anything about a reference is difficult. I spent two hours trying to make it work, but failed.