dev-xo / remix-auth-totp

A Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) Authentication Strategy for Remix-Auth.

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[ Feat ]: Add session flash message for new code requests.

andersr opened this issue · comments

Currently, it appears there is no feedback in the UI when a new OTP is requested, ie something like a "New Code Sent" flash message.

One way to enable this would be to set a session flash message once when a the TOTP is re-sent.


Sounds good to me @andersr.
It'll improve user experience and minimize client-side state management.

Thank you for the feedback!

@dev-xo I can help with this. Should I go ahead and send Pull request for same?

Absolutely, @shyamlohar! Feel free to open a PR on it!

@andersr: The title of your issue seems to focus on new code requests while the body of the issue mentions re-sent codes. New code logic is a bit separated from re-sent code logic. So anything flashy done with re-sent codes would not necessarily appear with new code requests.

Can you walk us through the new code and re-sent code flow that you are trying to achieve and where remix-auth-totp is not helpful. Any details on the /verify loader/action would be very helpful to see.

We are currently discussing PR #40 which may be relevant and feel free to join the discussion.