deter0 / xborder

Active window border replacement for window managers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add better support for i3

coloursofnoise opened this issue · comments

There are some issues with the render position of the outline in i3, especially when using window borders and in tabbed layout.

These can be fixed while also improving performance by making use of the i3 IPC to listen to window events and retrieve the focused window dimensions.

I've implemented this in my fork along with some other QoL features (custom color, easy install through pip/pipx with feature switches, hide border in fullscreen).
All very hacked together, so I'd be happy to re-implement those as separate PRs here if that's wanted.


Hmm, I'll look into it. I didn't know about the pip/pipx stuff I'll give it a shot. If I get time I'll re-implement it since a lot of stuff has changed since the last PR.


Now that we're using Wnck thanks to #19 this shouldn't be an issue

Awesome, thank you! it'd still be great to have the ability to install this through pip (or an AUR package?) but it's really no trouble to hook that up for myself


AUR Package is being worked on #20