designeng / wire-decorators

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

##ES7 decorators and webpack loader

###Description To create isomorphic wire.js specifications use @client and @server es7 decorators and webpack loader.

###Project current mode Developers preview mode.

###Preinstallation npm module babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy should be installed.

Add transform-decorators-legacy to plugins list in .babelrc file.

"plugins": [

###Usage: Write in some.spec.js wire.js specification:

const spec = {
    $plugins: [

    clientEvents: {
        click: 'clickHandler',
        mouseover: 'mouseoverHandler',
        mouseout: 'mouseoutHandler'

    serverComponent: {
        . . . . . 

    anotherServerComponent: {
        . . . . . 

Import compatible with webpack essential-wire:

import wire from 'essential-wire';
import spec from './some.spec';

    .then(context => {
        //work with created context
    .otherwise(error => console.log("ERROR: ", error))

###Run on the server side Define process.env variable ENVIRONMENT in package.json script:

"scripts": {
    "start": "ENVIRONMENT=server node ./runner"

On the server side components marked as client will be removed from the specification object.

###Webpack compilation for client side In webpack.config.js (note the loaders order):

module: {
    loaders: [
            test: /\.js$/,
            loader: 'babel',
            exclude: /node_modules/
            test: /\.spec\.js$/,
            // TODO: publish specLoader to npm!
            loaders: [path.join(__dirname, './webpack/loaders/specLoader.js')],
            exclude: /node_modules/

Then run npm run webpack command. All component marked as server will be rewritten:

const spec = {
    $plugins: [

    clientEvents: {
        click: 'clickHandler',
        mouseover: 'mouseoverHandler',
        mouseout: 'mouseoutHandler'

    serverComponent: null,

    anotherServerComponent: null

Note, that all @client decorators were removed as well. Decorators import will be cleaned up on the optimization phase (uglifyJS).

It's enough for dependency graph order and wiring specification without errors.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%