design-group / ignition-docker

A preloaded Ignition Docker Development Environment

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[BUG] ignition-docker-mes not loading modules correctly

evelyn-stodghill opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Currently ignition-docker-mes does not correctly run the Sepasoft modules, OEE Downtime and Production. Keith thinks it has to do with the module being there on startup.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Compose up the image (must also have DB correctly working on gateway)
  2. Open the ignition designer
  3. Open the script console
  4. Run the following script: system.mes.isProductionStarted()
  5. Will return False meaning the module is not correctly started. We would be expecting it to return True if it is correct.

Expected behavior
We would expect the script to return true and be able to add any MES component into a view without seeing an error.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Development Environment (please complete the following information):

- OS: Mac & Windows
- Version: Latest, 3.81.8 for Sepasoft

Additional context
Link to Sepasoft modules: here

The image has been rebuilt, is this still an issue?

The image has been rebuilt, is this still an issue?

I just checked and I'm seeing we are still having the issue. I'm able to look into it now and see if I can find out why. I am able to run the system.mes.isProductionStarted() and get a return of True. I am able to see in the logs the following:
jvm 1 | 2023/09/08 16:28:48 | E [c.s.p.g.ProductionGatewayHook ] [16:28:48]: Error finding production module. module-name=Production