New language switch requirements
2567910 opened this issue · comments
Lukas Seyfarth commented
The select is what forms the first impression from our customers as well as the customers users. If it looks amazing, than the customer might overlook the SEO thing.
- The language switcher is always there even if our api is down.
- the script should work without calling getProjectByKey (Only call if the script is missing something)
- The language switcher should be loaded instantly in the loading state. (Later if we know what language the user has we switch language. Before that it is just loading.
- click outside of dropdown to close it
- Loading animation different (@2567910 )
- once i click a language the popup needs to close and it should start loading
TODO later:
-maybe we shouw an error symbol if the request fails.
Jemika Negara commented
- set width & height
- allow add their own selector
Jemika Negara commented
update icons:
- hide lang when loading & initial
- make it smaller (20px)
- display flex + margin left on the lang