derhansen / sf_event_mgt

An event management and registration extension for TYPO3 CMS based on ExtBase and Fluid.

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Help configuring route enhancer

SilentHunter124 opened this issue · comments

Extension version


Short problem description

How do I get route enhancers running? I just wanted the detail page of an event printed on flyers with an qr code. Unfortunately the slug generated on one event (multilanguage says: /de/{event_title}) only responds with 404 page... :(

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create some events with english and german descriptions
  2. pinned url slug to something with title
  3. configured site.yaml:
    type: Extbase
      - 60
    extension: SfEventMgt
    plugin: Pieventdetail
        routePath: '/de/{event_title}'
        _controller: 'Event::detail'
          event_title: event
        routePath: '/de/{event_title}/ical'
        _controller: 'Event::icalDownload'
          event_title: event
    defaultController: 'Event::detail'
        type: PersistedAliasMapper
        tableName: tx_sfeventmgt_domain_model_event
        routeFieldName: slug

Expected behaviour

The displayed slug url of an event should display detail page of the event.

Actual behaviour

Typo3 Responds with 404 Page

Server configuration

TYPO3 version:

PHP version:

Please refer to the extension documentation:

Also refer to the TYPO3 routing documentation, since it is not neccessary to create language slugs manually as shown in your example, since the language identifier will automatically be added when configured properly (see screenshot)


You can definy any entry point (the language slug) per language, also if you just have one language.

If that does not help, I suggest you either ask on TYPO3 slack or Stackoverflow for help.

OK thanks, I got it working now, just to clarify the slug in the event details currently does not match because the event detail page is on a subpage, does it need to be identical?

For example it shows in the event details: but actually is:

Should it match?

Sorry, I do not understand your question. In general, this is all configuration, but I can not help with that. Please ask for help on TYPO3 slack or Stackoverflow