dergachev / gdocs-export

Programatically download a Google Doc and convert it to LaTeX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Running on OS X

vasi opened this issue · comments

Run gdocs-export on OS X

Tested on macOS 10.12.2.

Install Homebrew

  • Use Homebrew installer. Will automatically fetch Apple's Dev Tools, if needed.

  • Install pandoc from Homebrew:

    brew install pandoc

Install TeX

  • Install MacTeX from Homebrew:

    brew cask install mactex

    • This downloads several GB, takes a long time
    • Open a new terminal window to continue
  • Install rubber:

    brew install homebrew/tex/rubber

Setup Ruby

  • Install bundler:

    gem install --user bundle

  • Put it in your path

    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e "puts Gem.user_dir")/bin"' >> ~/.profile

  • Open a new terminal window to continue

Setup Python

  • Install pip:

    python <(curl --user

  • Put it in your path:

    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$(python -m site --user-base)/bin"' >> ~/.profile

  • Open a new terminal window to continue

  • Install the pandocfilters module:

    pip install --user pandocfilters

Google Docs access

  • Visit the Google API Console
  • Create a new project
    • Search for "Drive", select "Google Drive API"
    • Click "Create Project", name it gdocs-export
    • Click "Enable"
  • Create API keys
    • Click "Create Credentials"
    • Select "Other UI", "User data"
    • Continue with reasonable values, until credentials are saved
    • Click "Edit"
    • Copy Client ID and Client Secret

Setup gdocs-export

  • Get the repo:

    git clone
    cd gdocs-export
  • Install dependencies:

    bundle install --path vendor/bundle

  • Authenticate

    • Using the Client ID and Client Secret from above, run:

      make api_auth CLIENT_ID=$myid CLIENT_SECRET=$mysecret

    • A URL will be printed to the console. Visit it in your browser, and click "Allow".

    • A file google-api-authorization.yaml will be created.

Try gdocs-export

  • Pick a Google Docs document. Eg:

  • Pick a name for your document, eg: test2 or my_test_document.

  • Download the document:

    make api_download name=test2 doc=''

  • Export to a PDF:

    make convert name=test2

  • The output will be placed in a path like: build/test2/test2.pdf

Works great, thanks!