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Doubleclick in empty space in list/details view is broken. Opens file in parent folder.

cheeseandjamsandwich opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Previously, if you double click in any empty space below the files, or to the right of the Name column, or all the columns, if you have full row select on, in list or details view, it would go up to the parent folder. Awesome feature.

But a few versions/weeks ago it now confuses the double click with launching the file under the mouse cursor in the parent folder... Instead of only going up... If you double click to the right of the columns, it behaves as expected, correctly.

So depending on where the mouse is when double clicking, it might open a document, video, or another folder, whatever is in that position in the parent folder. If the parent folder doesn't have much in it, and the mouse position then lands up being in empty space in that parent folder, if 'works' as expected.

I see the option to enable/disable this functionality in the Advanced setting, but can't remember if that one has always been there, or is new (there only used to be 2 entries)... perhaps linked to this bug starting?

Version (please complete the following information):

  • Explorer++ version dev (64-bit build)
  • OS: Windows 11

Still an issue in version

And 2205...

This is one of those annoying little bugs that gets in the way A LOT!

I'm tripping over it many times. Every. Single. Day.

Thanks for the report. This should be fixed soon.

Yay! Fixed!

Cheers David!