derailed / mongo3

Rule your mongoDB clusters!

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ERROR: While generating documentation for mongo3-0.1.3

gr opened this issue · comments

george@gregentov:~$ gem install mongo3
WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:

RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance.
Updating metadata for 1 gems from
Updating metadata for 1 gems from
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions into the /var/lib/gems/1.8 directory.
george@gregentov:~$ sudo gem install mongo3
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed bson-1.2.0
Successfully installed mongo-1.2.0
Successfully installed bson_ext-1.2.0
Successfully installed agnostic-will_paginate-3.0.0
Successfully installed memcache-client-1.8.5
Successfully installed rack-1.2.1
Successfully installed mongo_ext-0.19.3
Successfully installed mongo_rack-0.0.5
Successfully installed fattr-2.2.0
Successfully installed arrayfields-4.7.4
Successfully installed main-4.4.0
Successfully installed json-1.5.1
Successfully installed tilt-1.2.2
Successfully installed sinatra-1.1.2
Successfully installed mongo3-0.1.3
15 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for bson-1.2.0...
Installing ri documentation for mongo-1.2.0...
Installing ri documentation for bson_ext-1.2.0...

No definition for method_serialize

No definition for method_deserialize

No definition for method_max_bson_size

No definition for method_update_max_bson_size
Installing ri documentation for agnostic-will_paginate-3.0.0...
Installing ri documentation for memcache-client-1.8.5...
Installing ri documentation for rack-1.2.1...
Installing ri documentation for mongo_ext-0.19.3...

No definition for method_serialize

No definition for method_deserialize

No definition for fast_pack
Installing ri documentation for mongo_rack-0.0.5...
Installing ri documentation for fattr-2.2.0...
Installing ri documentation for arrayfields-4.7.4...
Installing ri documentation for main-4.4.0...
Installing ri documentation for json-1.5.1...
Installing ri documentation for tilt-1.2.2...
Installing ri documentation for sinatra-1.1.2...
Installing ri documentation for mongo3-0.1.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for bson-1.2.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for mongo-1.2.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for bson_ext-1.2.0...

No definition for method_serialize

No definition for method_deserialize

No definition for method_max_bson_size

No definition for method_update_max_bson_size
Installing RDoc documentation for agnostic-will_paginate-3.0.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for memcache-client-1.8.5...
Installing RDoc documentation for rack-1.2.1...
Installing RDoc documentation for mongo_ext-0.19.3...

No definition for method_serialize

No definition for method_deserialize

No definition for fast_pack
Installing RDoc documentation for mongo_rack-0.0.5...
Installing RDoc documentation for fattr-2.2.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for arrayfields-4.7.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for main-4.4.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for json-1.5.1...
Installing RDoc documentation for tilt-1.2.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for sinatra-1.1.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for mongo3-0.1.3...
ERROR: While generating documentation for mongo3-0.1.3
... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text=""
... RDOC args: --op /var/lib/gems/1.8/doc/mongo3-0.1.3/rdoc --main README.rdoc --quiet lib lib/views/collections/_fields_form.erb lib/views/collections/_index_form.erb lib/views/collections/_index_rows.erb lib/views/collections/_indexes.erb lib/views/collections/_nodes.erb lib/views/collections/_results.erb lib/views/collections/_rows_table.erb lib/views/collections/_rows_tree.erb lib/views/collections/_search_form.erb lib/views/collections/all_done.js.erb lib/views/collections/list.erb lib/views/collections/results.js.erb lib/views/collections/update.js.erb lib/views/collections/update_indexes.js.erb lib/views/databases/_results.erb lib/views/databases/list.erb lib/views/databases/results.js.erb lib/views/explore/_crumbs.erb lib/views/explore/_dump_array.erb lib/views/explore/_dump_hash.erb lib/views/explore/_info.erb lib/views/explore/_node_info.erb lib/views/explore/center_js.erb lib/views/explore/explore.erb lib/views/explore/load_collection.js.erb lib/views/explore/load_database.js.erb lib/views/explore/more_data_js.erb lib/views/explore/update.js.erb lib/views/explore/update_crumb_js.erb lib/views/landscape.erb lib/views/layout.erb lib/views/shared/_flash.erb lib/views/shared/flash.js.erb lib/views/users/_new.erb lib/views/users/_results.erb lib/views/users/list.erb lib/views/users/results.js.erb --title mongo3-0.1.3 Documentation
(continuing with the rest of the installation)

george@gregentov:$ mongo
mongo mongod mongodump mongoexport mongofiles mongoimport mongorestore mongos mongostat
$ mongo3
Команда 'mongo3' не найдена, возможно вы имели в виду:
Команда 'mongo' из пакета 'mongodb-clients' (universe)
Команда 'mongod' из пакета 'mongodb-server' (universe)
Команда 'mongos' из пакета 'mongodb-server' (universe)
mongo3: команда не найдена
error localization: there is no mongo3 package, maybe you want mongo/mongod/mongos

i also get this error. how do you fix this?

i also get this error. WTF?