dequelabs / axe-api-team-public

Shared configuration, settings, and actions for the Axe API Team

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create `deploy-release` public action

dequejenn opened this issue · comments


GHA Name: deploy-release
Purpose: To make sure everything finishes up automatically when a deployment has been completed
Usage: This GHA will be called from each repo when teh release pr is merged into master/main

From repo:

  • None


  • None


This composite action should

  1. Get the version number from package.json
  2. Get the commits using .github/actions/generate-commit-list-v1
  3. Run through and label all issues closed in this release using .github/actions/label-and-move-released-issues-v1 (this should create a label with the version number if it doesn't already exist, label any issue closed in this version, and automatically move any issues into the released column if it was dev done or done)
  4. Sync the master/main branch back into develop
    Some of the repos already have this which can just be added into this so it is in a single place in case we need to make changes in the future
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dequelabs/action-sync-branches@v1
          github-token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
          pr-title: 'chore: merge master into develop'
          pr-body: 'Remember to _merge_ (rather than squash) this PR! Also, auto-merge does not work because many of the required checks do not run on the "master" branch.'
          pr-team-reviewers: axe-api-team
          head: master

Each of the public actions in should include a readme with information on how to use the action and a list all inputs and outputs.

Blocked by #91