dequelabs / axe-api-team-public

Shared configuration, settings, and actions for the Axe API Team

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create public action get-release-issue

dequejenn opened this issue · comments


GHA Name: get-release-issue
Purpose: To get a reference to the latest open issue in the repo with the label release
Usage: This GHA will be called from within a parent GHA


  • None


  • Reference to the open release Github issue


This GHA should look for an issue in the repo that is labelled release and is currently open. If there are more than 1 returned, it should return the latest. The output will be used in a different GHA to add a comment onto this issue, so the output should be whatever GHA can use to add a comment (ID?, URL?)

The action should also have unit tests and a Readme. See for template on how to do this.

Each of the public actions in should include a readme with information on how to use the action and a list all inputs and outputs.

Scope change per Steve (11/21) related to #63 and #64

  1. We don't need to get the version number. At any point we would call this we can just look at the version of package.json in the current repo
  2. For the docs repo there can be multiple open issues labeled release, either for different repos or even the same repo if multiple versions were released in quick succession and the docs for the prior one haven't been written yet. We'll need to filter all the open release issues by the name of the github repo and also by the current version. Allow supplying version number to input but default to current version from package.json
  3. We'll need to allow the action to get issues from other repos (namely the docs repo). Add input for repo (default to current context repo)
  4. Rename action to get-release-issue