dependents / node-dependency-tree

Get the dependency tree of a module

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Support tsconfig (for typescript path aliases configuration)

bloadvenro opened this issue · comments

Hello! I came from madge library source code attempting to find the answer "How to resolve typescript import path aliases" :)

Standard import produces correct graph, but imports like import { Omit } from '~/types/Omit'; are't tracked.

Thank you

Hey @bloadvenro. I added tsConfig support in #93. Feel free to give it a spin and let me know if that resolves your tilde import.

Unfortunately, path aliases seem to be not supported, even when specifying a tsconfig.json file.
All my import { foo} from '@/bar' are ignored from the operation (@/ being a path alias defined in the tsconfig.json file)

I've countered the same problem too. @/ alias cannot be resolved.

same problem encounter