dependents / node-dependency-tree

Get the dependency tree of a module

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Support for precinct `es6.mixedImports`

prime-optimus opened this issue · comments

Is there any support for precinct es6.mixedImports in dependency-tree cli?

Hey @prime-optimus! Thanks for asking.

There currently isn't support for doing that via the cli, but it could be added here Any ideas on how the cli command should look like for that?

could not get es6.mixedImports to work. When calling dependencyTree(options), I set options.detectiveConfig to { es6: { mixedImports: true } ) and it did not work. Precinct by itself works fine with this option. It is dependency-tree that seems to be ignoring this option.

Well, the cause of this issue is, in fact, precinct. precinct() honors the es6 option but precinct.paperwork() does not. To see it call precinct and precinct.paperwork with the above es6 option with es6/imports and commonjs/requires in the same javascript file.